Leonid Filatov Sons of Bitches Candidate Misty Shores Earthly Joys Could One Imagine? Success Air Crew From Evening to Noon Zerograd From the Life of a Chief of the Criminal Police Forgotten Tune for the Flute His Wife's Confession What About You, Comrade? Cuckoo-Clock The Chosen Ones Enclosure A Step The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter Partners in Crime The Voice Loop The Rooks The Stray White and the Speckled Yaroslav the Wise Women Joke Seriously The Captain's Daughter Alice and the Bookseller Tales of Belkin. Shot Благотворительный бал Ivantsov, Petrov, Sidorov... Кошка на радиаторе Who Will Pay For Luck? Chicherin European Story The City of First Love Martin Iden Игроки XXI Three Sisters Sons of Bitches The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter Sons of Bitches Cuckoo-Clock The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter The Tale of Fedot, the Shooter Петля To Remember To Remember To Remember To Remember To Remember To Remember