Les Serdyuk Natalka Poltavka While There is Time Місяцева зозулька Iron & Blood: The Legend of Taras Bulba American Boy Farther Than an Arrow's Flight Ne Ostrelennaya Muzyka Операция Контракт Ivan Mykolaichuk. Trizna The Legend of Princess Olga Fire Handfuls The Kyiv Direction Poem of Kovpak: Carpathians, Carpathians... A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa Tales about Ivan The Hetman's Regalia Babylon XX Bread and Salt Marina's Destiny Such a Late, Such a Warm Autumn Tethered to the Runway Sudden Release Vechernitsy The Fault of Leutenant Nekrasov Казачья быль Front in the Neighborhood Я — Водолаз-2 Operation Contract Inspector of Criminal Investigation Straw Bells Two Deaths The Birthday Present The Watchmaker and the Chicken Seromanets Love and Fury Zvyozdnaya komandirovka Adres vashego doma I Wait and Hope First Route, Last Route От Буга до Вислы Абитуриентка They Were Known Only By Their Faces Meeting at high snows Nochnoy mototsiklist Upside Down Wild Field At the Devil's Lair Sea of Our Hope Handfuls