Mahamat-Saleh Haroun Bye Bye Africa Abouna Dry Season Lingui: The Sacred Bonds Dry Season A Screaming Man A Screaming Man Bord' Africa Scenarios from Africa: African Solidarity Letter from New York Un thé au sahel On bosse ici! On vit ici! On reste ici! Les 18 du 57, Boulevard de Strasbourg Grigris Talking About Trees Maral tanié Goï-Goï Bye Bye Africa Abouna Grigris Lingui: The Sacred Bonds Expectations Sex, Okra & Salted Butter Sex, Okra & Salted Butter Dry Season Bye Bye Africa Hissein Habré, A Chadian Tragedy Goï-Goï Maral tanié Bye Bye Africa A Season in France Scenarios from Africa: The Tree and the Wind A Season in France B 400 B 400 Sotigui Kouyaté, a modern griot Kalala Lac Interdependence Soumsoum, la nuit des astres Soumsoum, la nuit des astres FC United Exterminate All the Brutes