Kenji Takahashi Vexille Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Special Edition III: Return The World Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Special Edition II: End of World Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Special Edition I: Celestial Being Broken Blade: The Time of Awakening Broken Blade: The Path of Separation Bumpkin Soup Kamen Rider Drive: Type LUPIN ~Lupin, The Last Challenge~ Attack on Titan: Crimson Bow and Arrow Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom Attack on Titan: Chronicle The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder (Part 1) The Garden of Sinners: Remaining Sense of Pain The Garden of Sinners: A Study in Murder (Part 2) Attack on Titan Chihayafuru Chihayafuru Chihayafuru Stigma of the Wind Kannagi Hyakko Bleach A Certain Scientific Railgun Clannad Sands of Destruction A Certain Scientific Railgun A Certain Scientific Railgun A Certain Scientific Railgun Haikyu!! The Garden of Sinners The World Ends With You: The Animation Attack on Titan Attack on Titan リゾートBOIN