Wataru Takahashi Crayon Shin-chan: Shrouded in Mystery! The Flowers of Tenkazu Academy Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys ~Ramen Rebellion~ Crayon Shin-chan: Honeymoon Hurricane ~The Lost Hiroshi~ Spirited Away Crayon Shin-chan: Intense Battle! Robo Dad Strikes Back Crayon Shin-chan: Fast Asleep! Dreaming World Big Assault! Crayon Shin-chan: Burst Serving! Kung Fu Boys ~Ramen Rebellion~ Atashin'chi: The 3D Movie Atashin'chi: The 3D Movie Crayon Shin-chan: Fast Asleep! Dreaming World Big Assault! Crayon Shin-chan: Shrouded in Mystery! The Flowers of Tenkazu Academy Crayon Shin-chan: Super-Dimension! The Storm Called My Bride