Raymond Chiu Death Notice Sleeping Detective Hell Hole Once Upon A Time In...Sai Wan Deception of the Novelist Three With Prisoners Unleashed Shock Wave 2 Hong Kong West Side Stories A Bride for a Ride Fly with Me A Case of Misadventure Under the Veil Au Revoir Shanghai Shades of Life The Tofu War The Gentle Crackdown Birth of a Hero Speed of Life ICAC Investigators 2016 My Lover From The Planet Meow Be Home for Dinner The Last Steep Ascent Brother's Keeper Brother's Keeper II Madam Cutie On Duty Where the Legend Begins The Brink of Law Incurable Traits No Good Either Way Dicey Business The Prince's Shadow Shades of Truth The White Flame Scavengers' Paradise Some Day Off Pedder Threesome Detective Chinatown Ghost of Relativity In the Storm