Kimie Shingyoji Tomorrow's Dining Table The Night the Angel Turned Away Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl Eureka Oar Mother Future Memories: Last Christmas Goaisatsu Branded Female Convicts Odokumiyaku Shushou Kawaite sōrō A Samurai's Sorrow: The Deadly Sword Station to Heaven Kukai Hear the Wind Sing The Resurrection of the Golden Wolf Human Scramble: Road Somewhere on Earth 奥飛騨二重心中 Last Run: 100 Million Yen Worth of Love and Betrayal The Shadow Over Innsmouth Bakayarō! 4 You! Baian the Assassin Kome hyappyo Grudge Girls Academy: Serial Murder of Fear! From the Heart The Files of the Young Kindaichi Tokyo Suburbia