Yuriy Levitin The Tale of Chapayev The Legend of the Icy Heart A Snow Fairy Tale Pass Liberation: Battle for Berlin Demidovy A Brave Hare The Flower with Seven Colours A Taste of Bread Kashtanka The Legend of the Moor's Inheritance I Don't Want to Be Filmed Mister Wolf Girl in the Jungle Liberation: The Fire Bulge Reckoning Adventures of Murzilka Soldiers of Freedom Liberation: Direction of the Main Blow Loneliness The Great Commander Georgy Zhukov Lasted, lasted, charm … Angels of Death Smoke of the Fatherland Clean Ponds Stalingrad Operation 'Trust' A Tale of the Forest Giant Son The Blind Musician A Little Crane Quiet Flows the Don The Polynin Case A Man at His Place С весельем и отвагой Time of Taiga Snowdrop 12 graves of Khoja Nasreddin Wash-'em-Clean Flight to the Moon Вернулся служивый домой Evgeniy Urbanskiy Atlantic Who is the Strongest? Beloved Beauty The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish The Deer and the Wolf Liberation: The Break Through Liberation: The Last Assault The Lion and the Hare Who Is The First? The Iron Friends Dobrynya Nikitich