Boris Filchikov The Tale of Tsar Saltan Lion and Bull The Wild Swans Princess and Cannibal One Day Before Our Era Hedgehog in the Fog Tale of Tales The African Tale The Door Dream My Green Crocodile Croak x Croak The Pipe and the Pitcher The Post The Hunt Adventure of an Ant Laughter and Grief by the White Sea The Secret of the Third Planet The Battle of Kerzhenets Penguins The Fox and the Hare The Heron and the Crane The Pioneer's Violin Treasures of the Sunken Ships The Tale of Chapayev A Gullible Dragon The Unseen and Unheard-of Gilded Foreheads Road to Eternity From 9:00 to 18:00 Rainbow Sherlock Holmes and I Girl in the Jungle In a Country of Undone Homework The Window Adventures of Murzilka The Flying Proletarian The Fire-Fairy The Master of the Winds The New Aladdin To Reach the Sky Go There, Don't Know Where Long Before When We Were the Birds A Road Tale Six Ivans - Six Captains Nothing Scary The Comedian The Stash in grass From Left to Right About Sidorov Vova Miraculous Well The Marvelous Garden Академик Иванов Cipollino Pot of Porridge Nasreddin in Khujand, or the Enchanted Prince Brave Inspector Mamochkin The Magic Lake The Girl and the Bear From Two to Five The Blacksmith-Sorcerer The Heart of the Brave Куда летишь, Витар? Ваня Датский Left-Hander Legends of Peruvian Indians The Flying Ship About the Gnome Which Left the Home The Cat Who Walked by Himself Как утёнок-музыкант стал футболистом Tsocotukha the Fly Today in Our City... У попа была собака Tails On the Water The Elephant's Great Battle with the Whale Porridge Made from an Axe How Old Man Became a Brood-Hen The Puppy and the Old Slipper И смех и грех Mushroom Rain The Bird Catcher Bear-Night-Mare Growth Vitamin Olympians The Brave Robin Hood The Tale of the Very Tall Man Жёлтик One, Two, Altogether! The Story of Vlas the Lazy One Зайка-зазнайка Жила-была курочка Happiness Is Not In The Hat Я жду тебя, кит A Boy as a Boy The Selfish Giant Magic Cure Poyga And The Fox There Was A Tram The Tenth Number Миссис Уксус и мистер Уксус Наш добрый мастер An Unusual Friend Give Me Back My Rex AyAyAy! The Brave Tin Soldier Ivan Ivanych Has Fallen Ill... Talking Hands of Travancore Tribal Law Как Маша поссорилась с подушкой The Dragon Hello, Atom! Пчёлка Жу-жу-жу Сегодня день рождения The Alarm Clock An Honest Crocodile Word Winter Quarters of Animals Road Accident The Amorous Crow The Man in the Air The Legend of the Cruel Giant Porosenok v koluchey shubke The Legend of Grieg Daughter of the Sun We Draw October A Present for the Weakest How the Goat Held the Earth The Fox, the Beaver and Others Plasticine Hedgehog White Skin Uncle Misha Bear This Isn't About Me The Life and Suffering of Ivan Semenov Flower of the Night The Lessons of Our Ancestors The Hare Who Liked to Give Advice Shortie the Turtle Green Carrier Fish Happy Gregory Three on an Island По собственному желанию Watch Out, Pike! Karandash and Klyaksa — The Funny Hunters May and May Not Zhikharka Yellow Elephant Flashlight Ball It Happened in Winter Kolobok Вагончик Grandfather's Binoculars White Grass Одна лошадка белая The Sun on a String Про Петрушку The Mouse and the Red Sun Ginger Cat Sportland The Cloud in Love Secret of the Yellow Bush Only Not Now What Sound Does a Mosquito Make? We Are Going to Search The Old Man and the Crane Пропал Петя-петушок How the Puppy Was Taught to Swim My Friend Martyn Cuckoo Clock The Deer and the Wolf В гостях у лета Who Is The First? Как верблюжонок и ослик в школу ходили The Patty Spring Tale Kite in the Attic Cockroach Dogada Car, Love and Mustard Riddle of the Sphinx A Miracle Maker The Rain As If How One Peasant Fed Two Generals The Bath House Прочти и катай в Париж и Китай Apartment Made of Cheese Children and Matches Motherland Tree The Tale About Malchish-Kibalchish Power Porridge Младший брат A Hot Stone About Buka Ёжик плюс черепаха A solder and an imp Penny Cat and Clown Great Cold Kolya, Olya and Archimedes Hello! I Hear You! Perfect Peri About Foma and Yerema Frantishek