Mikko Nousiainen Restless Under the North Star Northern Quality 5 Days of War Harbour Brothers Taarka Body Fat Index of Love Arnold Cautious and the Happiness Stone The Redeemers 2 Nights Till Morning The Year of '85: Rock Your Memories The Liberation of Skopje The Look of a Killer A Northern Boy Going to Kansas City Unexpected Journey Vaiennut kylä Trainer The Guardian Angel Kadonnut: Joulupukki Time Out Swingers The Book of Fate Stripping Unknown Soldier Rendel: Cycle of Revenge Bunny 70 Is Just a Number Sibelius Vares: The Kiss of Evil Maan mitta Deadwind Ruusun aika Enemy of the People Toisen kanssa Tanssii tähtien kanssa Kontio & Parmas Helsinki Syndrome Jurismia! The Night Servants Arctic Circle Peacemaker Putkinotko Lakeside Murders