Enrico Oldoini A Dangerous Toy Plot of Fear Soap and Water Shut Up When You Speak! Christmas Vacation '90 Christmas Vacation '91 Plot of Fear Yuppies 2 Cuori nella tormenta Soap and Water Nineties Nineties - Part II Nineties - Part II La fidanzata di papà Taste of Life Taste of Life The New Monsters Today 13 at a Table 13 at a Table He's Worse than Me BelliFreschi BelliFreschi BelliFreschi Miracolo italiano The New Monsters Today I'll Be Going Now Incompreso Miracolo italiano I Love You Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye Baby Manolesta A Thorn in the Heart Talcum Powder Talcum Powder I'll Be Going Now At the Sports Bar Cuori nella tormenta Bingo Bongo Bingo Bongo The Haunted House Christmas Vacation '91 Christmas Vacation '91 Nineties Nineties He's Worse than Me He's Worse than Me Soundtrack - Ti spio, ti guardo, ti ascolto Family Flaw Sotto Sotto Natale a 4 zampe Ciao, You Guys Sing Sing Sing Sing Heads I Win, Tails You Lose Heads I Win, Tails You Lose A Liar in Paradise Give Me Five Nuda proprietà vendesi Nuda proprietà vendesi This Is Love Yuppies 2 Miracolo italiano The Pool Hustlers Yuppies 2 At the Sports Bar Son contento Give Me Five Il corpo della ragassa Il corpo della ragassa Nobody's Perfect Nobody's Perfect Stay As You Are Stay As You Are Bosco d'amore A Liar in Paradise Christmas Vacation '90 Christmas Vacation '90 La fidanzata di papà