Uldis Dumpis Latavio, or Life Nr. 2 The City Under the Limes A Limousine the Colour of Midsummer's Eve There Are Four of Us Attack On The Secret Police I'm In Love With Your Daughter! Keys to Paradise Checkmate to the Queen of Diamonds The Game Is Taking Place Anyway Dangerous Summer Mainai In a Claws of a Black Cancer The Conspiracy of Ambassadors Can-Can in English Park Rally Секретный фарватер Nazis and Blondes Blow, Wind! Reflection in the Water Rudolf's Gold Light at the End of the Tunnel My Friend Socrates Littlefinger The Gates to Heaven My Family Naughty Emil Grandpa More Dangerous Than a Computer Peterss Then It's Hi! Hi! Hee! Stari stiklā Par mīlestību pašreiz nerunāsim The Hostage Don't Shoot on the 26-th To Be Unwanted The Mystery of the Old Parish House A Birdless Night Virgins of Riga Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg Wagtail's Army Defenders of Riga Meldru mežs Ceplis Olegs and Aina Christmas Huddle Vīrietis labākajos gados Cīrulīši Spāņu variants Wish Me Bad Weather The Longest Straw A Shot In The Forest Double Trap It's Easy to Fall Into an Overgrown Ditch Fear Strange Moonlight The Days of a Man The Zitars Tapers Maritime Climates Fact Three Days of Reflection Wait for the «John Grafton» Crime Solving For Beginners Secret Fairway Long Road in the Dunes FireSin