Yuri Khrzhanovsky The Millionaire Magic Bag The Hare Got a Tape Recorder Little House on Wheels Miraculous Well The Adventures of Mowgli Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping Adventures of Mowgli: Akela's Last Hunt When Christmas Trees Light Up An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Tale Two Stories Old Friends The Forest chronicle Valuable Kopeck An Unusual Match In the Heart of the Forest Kashtanka Dog and Cat What a Tiger! It Was I Who Drew the Little Man Different Wheels Хочу бодаться! Poslednyaya nevesta Zmeya Gorynycha Wash-'em-Clean The Patty The Little Ship Жёлтик Cipollino The Tale of the Snow Maiden The Snow Postman The Shareholders Forest Travellers Telephone Song of Joy Verlioka Big "Wick" Tracks on the Asphalt Little Straw Bull Run, Run, the Little Stream Somebody Else's Tracks Kolobok Sweet Fairy Tale Sportland Beloved Beauty Only Not Now Little Shego A Goat-Musician The Signature Is Illegible Wishes Come True On the Forest Stage The Tale About Malchish-Kibalchish The Forest Concert Adventures of Mowgli