Colette Régis The Vampire of Dusseldorf La Bête Humaine Three Waltzes Three from St. Cyr Seven Days… Seven Nights The Chain Breaker Picpus Carnival of Sinners The Secret of Madame Clapain Whims The Room Upstairs The Scarlet Bazaar Mirror La Grande Maguet Tous les deux Justice Is Done Scandal on the Champs-Élysées Rendezvous in July Young Love Mademoiselle de la Ferté Monsignor Without Leaving an Address Trois vieilles filles en folie Under the Paris Sky Paris Vice Squad Adorable Creatures Drôle de noce When You Read This Letter Sweet Madness The Night Is My Kingdom The Prettiest Sin in the World Buridan, hero of the tower of Nesle Attila The Night of the Suspects It's the Paris Life Goto, Island of Love Five Wild Girls Three Girls in Paris Sister Angele's Secret Dandelions by the Roots I'll Get Back to Kandara Ramuntcho The Gigolo Beast at Bay Pas de caviar pour tante Olga From Mayerling to Sarajevo Salut Berthe ! The Black Hand The Mad Heart Ballad for a Dog The Congress of Mother-in-Laws Valley of Hell Volpone Paris Vice Squad The Glass Castle Imperial Violets The Depths Dear Caroline This Special Friendship Huckleberry Finn Her Bridal Night Mademoiselle Swing The Congress of Mother-in-Laws Eight Men in a Castle The Truth The Healer The Earrings of Madame de...