Maria Pia Conte Head Down, Feet Up War Between the Planets The Arena Blueprint for a Massacre If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death Il sergente Rompiglioni diventa... caporale And the Crows Will Dig Your Grave Riot in a Women's Prison Five Dollars for Ringo Dynamite Jim God in Heaven... Arizona on Earth Twenty Paces to Death Tony Arzenta Hero of Rome Peggio per me... meglio per te Zorro's Latest Adventure At the Battle of Crete Day of Violence Defeat of the Mafia The Hanging Woman Love Is a Funny Thing Juliette de Sade Three Giants of the Roman Empire My Father's Nurse Che dottoressa ragazzi! And Now My Love Pirates of Blood Island Moglie nuda e siciliana The Novice L'appuntamento Madame Bovary Gegè Bellavita Spasmo Snow Devils La svergognata Mazzabubù... quante corna stanno quaggiù? Culpability and Punishment Death on the Fourposter Night of Violence Vento, vento, portali via con te The Labyrinth of Sex