Leaving Europe to look for Akiko, Jean-Noël discovers her city, the exotic Tokyo. A documentary on everyday life in Tokyo, its KABUKI theater, its nostalgic TAKENOKOZOKU dances, its thousands of suit-and-tie executives, its geishas, its Western style marriages, its tranquil green areas, its pulsating nightlife...
Title | Satori Stress |
Year | 1984 |
Genre | Documentary |
Country | Belgium |
Studio | AMOK Film |
Cast | Akiko Inamura, Jean-Noël Gobron, Nicola Donato |
Crew | Jean-Marie Lambert (Special Effects), Monique Rysselinck (Editor), Akiko Inamura (Sound), Jean-Noël Gobron (Director of Photography), Jean-Noël Gobron (Director), Jean-Noël Gobron (Producer) |
Keyword | japan, interracial relationship |
Release | Jan 01, 1984 |
Runtime | 75 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 0.00 / 10 by 0 users |