One day, Reiko, a female college student who aims to be active in the world of mass media, is asked to investigate the actual situation regarding sex among female college students. Reiko infiltrates the girls' dormitory, but as soon as she moves in, Kyoko, who manages her dormitory, forces her to attend a party on Saturday night...
Title | Joshidai-ryô: SEX Nozoki shokku |
Year | 1985 |
Genre | Drama |
Country | Japan |
Studio | Nikkatsu Corporation, Gendai eizō kikaku |
Cast | Minako Ogawa, Natsuko Kishikawa, Madoka Mizuki, Maki Mizuno, Sanae Takada, Jun Ueno |
Crew | Chiaki Kamata (Screenplay), Chiaki Kamata (Director), Makoto Matsumoto (Producer), Koji Okumura (Executive Producer), Masato Tsutsumi (Assistant Director), Kanemi Kawanaka (Director of Photography) |
Keyword | softcore, pink film |
Release | Jun 19, 1985 |
Runtime | 60 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 2.00 / 10 by 1 users |