On a binge night out with his best friend, Eddie meets a mysterious young woman called Eve. After a brief one night stand, the two begin seeing one another. However, unbeknown to them, a dangerous figure from Eve's past threatens to come between the two lovers, forcing Eddie to fight for his girl...and his life.
Title | Wrong Night Stand |
Year | 2018 |
Genre | Drama, Crime |
Country | Australia |
Studio | Jag Pannu Productions |
Cast | Dale Barnard, Rebecca Chalon, Benedict Chau, Anthony Ciccotosto, Tegan M. Gregory, Neal Huxley |
Crew | Jag Pannu (Associate Producer), Freena Hamilton (Makeup & Hair), Simon Holland (Cinematography), Neal Huxley (Editor), Mark Huxley (Writer), Mark Huxley (Cinematography) |
Keyword | organized crime |
Release | Dec 06, 2018 |
Runtime | 94 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 6.00 / 10 by 1 users |