In the sleepy town of Campbell Falls, Ridley Hooper awakens to discover that his little sister has been stolen by an army of creepy Shadowmen. Arming himself, Ridley embarks on a terrifying adventure to rescue Elsie Hooper...
Title | Elsie Hooper |
Year | 2016 |
Genre | Action, Mystery |
Country | United States of America |
Studio | Makeshift Pictures |
Cast | Sean Bridgers |
Crew | Robert D. Krzykowski (Writer), Robert D. Krzykowski (Director), Todd Antonio Somodevilla (Director of Photography), Lucky McKee (Producer), Zach Passero (Editor), Andrew Smetek (Sound) |
Keyword | |
Release | Jan 01, 2016 |
Runtime | 6 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 0.00 / 10 by 0 users |