The film follows the aftermath of an unfortunate incident at the inauguration of a public toilet located in the middle of the Egyptian desert. Inspired by Anton Chekhov's short story "The Death Of A Government Clerk," director El Zohairy offers us a story about fear in a milieu where uniformity and hierarchy reigns, in which the poses and gestures of the actors express a lot more than their words.
Title | The Aftermath of the Inauguration of the Public Toilet at Kilometer 375 |
Year | 2014 |
Genre | Drama, Comedy |
Country | Egypt |
Studio | Academy of Arts Higher Institute of Cinema |
Cast | |
Crew | Omar El Zohairy (Director), Sherif Nagib (Writer) |
Keyword | |
Release | May 22, 2014 |
Runtime | 18 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 0.00 / 10 by 0 users |