The 3rd installment of the thriller series in which immortal human weapons and hunters attack. A secret work of a certain country aiming to capture a hunter is activated. The genius murderous demon, Kyumon, who directs the operation, drafts a plan to trap the hunter. Ayano, a gravure idol, is chosen as the "bait"...
Title | Man Hunting: Resurrection |
Year | 2012 |
Genre | Horror |
Country | Japan |
Studio | Shoot Cinema Planning, New Select, Oven Eyes |
Cast | Ruby Aiba, Kei Akamatsu, Shin'yû Fujiwara, Yô Kamiyoshihara, Kura, Saya Tachibana |
Crew | Yasushi Koshizaka (Director) |
Keyword | |
Release | Apr 04, 2012 |
Runtime | 77 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 3.50 / 10 by 4 users |