Third installment of the "Gakko No Kaidan" series follows the trek of several elementary school students as they wander into an alternate world that exists on the opposite side of a school mirror. Nishida Naomi (the hapless teacher in "Gakko No Kaidan 2") returns as the teacher who accompanies the children on their journey into the surreal universe.
Title | Haunted School 3 |
Year | 1997 |
Genre | Horror |
Country | Japan |
Studio | Sundance Company, TOHO |
Cast | Naomi Nishida, Aki Maeda, Takuma Yoshizawa, Takeru Higa, Shiori Yonezawa, Kazuto Yamada |
Crew | Shusuke Kaneko (Director), Sadatoshi Fujimine (Executive Producer), Hideyuki Takai (Executive Producer), Toru Tsunemitsu (Original Story), Michiru Shimada (Writer), Shusuke Kaneko (Writer) |
Keyword | elementary school, elementary school teacher, elementary school student |
Release | Jul 19, 1997 |
Runtime | 96 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 6.80 / 10 by 4 users |