A young girl named Debbie is attacked by a bus stop one evening and is blindfolded and raped. Her mother, Lila, who is consumed with guilt is determined to catch the rapist...
Title | A Mother's Justice |
Year | 1991 |
Genre | Drama, TV Movie, Crime |
Country | United States of America |
Studio | Lorimar Television, Green/Epstein Productions, Longbow Productions, NBC |
Cast | Meredith Baxter, G.W. Bailey, Carrie Hamilton, Blu Mankuma, Ken Foree, Madlyn Rhue |
Crew | Noel Nosseck (Director), James S. Henerson (Writer), Richard Bellis (Music), Victoria Burrows (Casting), Mark Bacino (Producer), Robert F. Shugrue (Editor) |
Keyword | |
Release | Nov 25, 1991 |
Runtime | 95 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 5.30 / 10 by 3 users |