Works in Progress is a poignant, romantic comedy feature film that follows the lives of two recent small-town college fine art graduates and a successful, yet unfulfilled insurance professional during a magical summer in "the big city." Works in Progress is set in the present day (with brief flashbacks) in rural western Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri.
Title | Works in Progress |
Year | 1970 |
Genre | Comedy, Family, Romance |
Country | United States of America |
Studio | |
Cast | Greg Brostrom, Ben Jeffrey, Christina Blodgett, Kathryn Bartholomew, Jeffrey Brown, Sam Kane |
Crew | Stephen Wallace Pruitt (Director), Mary Settle Pruitt (Writer), Kevin Harlan (Editor), Stephen Wallace Pruitt (Producer), Mary Settle Pruitt (Executive Producer), Isaac Alongi (Director of Photography) |
Keyword | |
Release | Jan 01, 1970 |
Runtime | 110 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 0.00 / 10 by 0 users |