After being betrayed by his peers and lost both his father and his right arm, legendary craftsman "Jingoro Hidari" is on a journey of revenge with his partner "Sleeping Cat" and his mechanical prosthetic arm. Finally, Jingoro faces one of his adversaries "Inumaru" in a fight to the death...
Title | Hidari (Pilot Film) |
Year | 2023 |
Genre | Animation, Action |
Country | Japan |
Studio | dwarf studios, Tecarat Studio, Whatever Co. |
Cast | Kazuma Mori, Kenichi Ogata |
Crew | Masashi Kawamura (Director), Takeshi Yashiro (Sculptor), Shigeru Okada (Animation), Yoshihiro Nose (Set Designer), Kimimasa Inazumi (Action Director), Kimimasa Inazumi (Key Animation) |
Keyword | samurai, stop motion |
Release | Mar 01, 2023 |
Runtime | 6 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 7.70 / 10 by 5 users |