The power of love shines in this heartwarming tale of friendship and inspiration between an unlikely duo. Cheryl inadvertently befriends a mourning goose, Honk, while recycling in the local park. As the budding friendship blossoms and Cheryl seeks Honk a new home, he becomes a viral sensation capturing the hearts and minds of millions.
Title | Honk |
Year | 2022 |
Genre | Documentary |
Country | |
Studio | |
Cast | Cheryl Allison, Kathy Rogers, Mary Beth Purdy, Angie Bolling |
Crew | Cheryl Allison (Director) |
Keyword | |
Release | Nov 15, 2022 |
Runtime | 46 minutes |
Quality | HD |
IMDb | 0.00 / 10 by 0 users |