
Straume 2024


Kaķis ir izteikts vientuļnieks, bet tad, kad viņa mājas iznīcina milzu plūdi, viņš atrod patvērumu nelielā laivā kopā ar citiem dzīvniekiem. Lai izdzīvotu, Kaķim būs jāiemācās sadarboties. Kopā ar Kapibaru, Lemuru, Suni un Putnu viņš ceļo cauri noslēpumainām ainavām, mācoties pielāgoties jaunajai, cilvēku neapdzīvotajai pasaulei.


Pilsoņu karš

Pilsoņu karš 2024


Kalifornijas un Teksasas Nacionālā gvarde ar aviācijas atbalstu uzbrūk galvaspilsētai. Baltais nams gatavojas krist. Žurnālistu grupa cenšas nokļūt degošajā Vašingtonā, lai ierakstītu pēdējo interviju ar prezidentu kādreizējām Amerikas Savienotajām Valstīm. Taču valstī, kurā valda haoss, nav nekā dārgāka par litru benzīna un nekā lētāka par cilvēka dzīvību.


Starp zvaigznēm

Starp zvaigznēm 2014


Zemes resursi nav neizsmeļami - pienācis laiks, kad mūsu dienas uz šīs planētas ir skaitītas. Vai cilvēku suga varētu turpināties kaut kur citur zvaigžņotajā izplatījumā? Lai to noskaidrotu, pētnieku komanda dodas nozīmīgākajā misijā cilvēces vēsturē - ceļojumā ārpus mūsu galaktikas robežām. Ceļotāju vidū ir arī inženieris Kūpers - divu bērnu tēvs, atraitnis, kurš augstāku mērķu vārdā gatavs upurēt savu ģimenes dzīvi.



Megapole 2024


Iedomātā mūsdienu Amerikā raisās konflikts. Ģeniālais arhitekts Cēzars Katilīna sapņo izveidot utopisku, ideālistisku nākotni. Viņam pretī stājas mērs Frenklins Cēzars, kurš joprojām ir apņēmības pilns nosargāt regresīvu status quo. Starp viņiem abiem nostājas Džūlija - mēra meita un Cēzara mīļotā, kurai nākas izvēlēties starp tēva un mīļotā ideāliem.



Kāpa 2021


Polu Atreidesu – spožu un apdāvinātu jaunu vīrieti, kuram zvaigznēs ierakstīts ievērojams liktenis. Viņam jādodas uz bīstamāko planētu Visumā, lai nodrošinātu savas ģimenes un savas tautas nākotni. Starp ļaunajiem spēkiem uzplaiksnī cīņa par resursiem, kas atrodami vienīgi uz šīs planētas un spēj atraisīt cilvēces dižāko potenciālu, bet izdzīvos vienīgi tie, kuri spēs pārvarēt savas bailes.


Trakais Makss: Skarbais ceļš

Trakais Makss: Skarbais ceļš 2015


Maksu vajā nemierīgās pagātnes rēgi, viņš nolemj, ka labākais veids, kā izdzīvot ir klimst pa pasauli vienam. Neskatoties uz to, viņš pievienojas dumpiniekiem, kuri Furiosas vadībā traucas cauri tuksnesim. Viņi cenšas aizbēgt no Citadeles, kas pakļauta Nemirstīgā Džo tirānijai. Saniknotais Džo kuram dumpinieki atņēmusi kaut ko ļoti vērtīgu, stājas uz skarbā kara ceļa, viņus vajāt sūtot veselu armiju.


Pa asmeni skrejošais 2049

Pa asmeni skrejošais 2049 2017


Jaunais "pa asmeni skrejošais" policists K atklāj ilgi glabātu noslēpumu, un tas palīdz viņam nākt uz pēdām iepriekšējam pa asmeni skrejošajam, Rikam Dekardam, kurš 30 gadus ir pazudis bez vēsts.


Terminators 2: Pastarā diena

Terminators 2: Pastarā diena 1991


Ir radīts jauns kiborgs – slepkava, identisks tam, kurš reiz mēģināja nogalināt Sāru Konoru, bet viņam tas neizdevās. Šoreiz terminatora jaunāka versija no nākotnes atsūtīta nogalināt Sāras desmit gadus veco dēlu Džonu, lai viņš nekļūtu par cilvēces pretošanās vadītāju. Tomēr Sāra nebūs vienīgā, kas sargās dēlu – viņai palīgā atsūtīts vēl viens terminators ar misiju – aizsargāt Sāru un Džonu par jebkādu cenu. Un cīņa par nākotni var sākties.


Cīņas klubs

Cīņas klubs 1999


Jauns vīrietis bez ilūzijām cīnās pret savu bezmiegu, kas, iespējams, ir viņa garlaicības un pelēkās ikdienas dzīves sekas. Lidojumā ar lidmašīnu viņš tiekas ar Taileru Durdenu, harizmātisku ziepju pārdevēju, kuram ir ļoti īpaša filozofija: perfekcionisms ir vāju cilvēku darbs; tā vietā sevis iznīcināšana ir vienīgā lieta, kas padara dzīvi patiešām dzīvošanas vērtu. Abi nolemj izveidot slepenu cīņas klubu, kur varētu atbrīvoties no neapmierinātības un dusmām, kas būs pārliecinoši panākumi.


Caur sniegiem

Caur sniegiem 2013


Zeme. Netāla nākotne. 17 gadus pēc tam, kad uz planētas notikusi tehnoloģiska katastrofa, agrākos mežus un dārzus klāj sniegi un ledāji. Dzīvība ir saglabājusies tikai lielajā vilcienā, kas bez apstājas traucas pa transeirāzijas maģistrāli.


Bada spēles: Zobgaļsīlis. 1. daļa

Bada spēles: Zobgaļsīlis. 1. daļa 2014


Pēc izglābšanās no Ceturkšņa Spaidiem, Katnisa Everdīna atmostas zem it kā sagrautā Trīspadsmitā apgabala. Meitenes dzimtais Divpadsmitais apgabals ir iznīcināts, un Pīta Melārks ir kļuvis par prezidenta Snova gūstekni. Vienlaikus Katnisa uzzina, ka visā Panemā vēršas plašumā slepena pretošanās kustība. Meiteni iesaistīs plānā, kura mērķis ir Snova gāšana.


Pasaules karš Z

Pasaules karš Z 2013


Pandēmija pārņem valsti pēc valsts, kontinentu pēc kontinenta. Bojā iet tūkstošiem kareivju Krievijā, Eiropā, Āzijā un ASV. Zeme atrodas uz globālas katastrofas sliekšņa. Apvienoto Nāciju darbinieks Džerijs Leins cenšas atrast veidu, kā apturēt tuvojošos apokalipsi. Pagaidām nevienam nav zināms, kā tikt galā ar ienaidnieku, kurš jau ir miris.


Pērtiķu planētas atmoda

Pērtiķu planētas atmoda 2014


Cēzara vadīto ģenētiski modificēto pērtiķu skaits turpina pieaugt, taču tos apdraud cilvēki, kuri spējuši izdzīvot pēc epidēmijas desmit gadus atpakaļ. Starp sāncenšiem nodibinās trausls un pavisam neilgs pamiers. Pērtiķi un cilvēki ir nonākuši kara priekšvakarā - šī nežēlīgā notikuma rezultātam ir jāizšķir, kura no abām minētajām sugām kļūs par dominējošo uz planētas.


Fist of the North Star

Fist of the North Star 1984


In the year 199X, human civilization has been all but destroyed by a nuclear holocaust.


Black Mirror

Black Mirror 2011


Over the last ten years, technology has transformed almost every aspect of our lives before we've had time to stop and question it. In every home; on every desk; in every palm - a plasma screen; a monitor; a smartphone - a black mirror of our 21st Century existence.


Tokyo Ghoul

Tokyo Ghoul 2014


Ken Kaneki, a bookworm college student, meets Rize, a girl his own age with whom he shares many interests.


Akame ga Kill!

Akame ga Kill! 2014


Young Tatsumi travels to the capital of the Empire in order to earn money for his starving people and encounters a world of unimaginable depravity, dominated by the ruthless Prime Minister who controls the child Emperor. Tatsumi is recruited by Night Raid, a group of assassins dedicated to eliminating corruption by mercilessly killing officials and privileged nobles.


Fist of the Blue Sky

Fist of the Blue Sky 2006


Shanghai in the 1930s is a dangerous place. Foreign governments and Chinese factions have carved the city into different quarters, each with its own laws and government, and all rife with corruption. As the major powers vie for political control, the streets are left to local gangs. Life is cheap, and death is always near. In days past, one man walked these mean streets battling the forces of evil. He was known only as Yan Wang, "the King of Death." Few knew who he really was, but many knew that he was a master of Hokuto Shinken - Fist of the North Star - a lethal martial art. He disappeared years ago after dispatching the city's worst gangsters, and is now rumored to be in Japan. Various people have come to Japan in search of him, but who will find him first?


The Handmaid's Tale

The Handmaid's Tale 2017


Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship. A TV adaptation of Margaret Atwood's novel.


Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons

Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons 2014


Humanity has advanced to great heights since it obtained the information technology known as "Mana." With that nearly magical power, problems like war, food shortages, and pollution have been eliminated. In this age of peace and freedom, First Princess Angelise Ikaruga Misurugi of the Misurugi Empire is a privileged girl with no disabilities. She learns, however, that she is a "Norma," a kind of human who cannot use Mana and are outcasts of society. Having lost everything, she is sent to an isolated island. There she meets other Normas who ride in humanoid weapons called Para-mails, protecting the world from dragon invaders from another dimension.


For All Mankind

For All Mankind 2019


Explore an aspirational world where NASA and the space program remained a priority and a focal point of our hopes and dreams as told through the lives of NASA astronauts, engineers, and their families.


Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery 2017


Follow the voyages of Starfleet on their missions to discover new worlds and new life forms, and one Starfleet officer who must learn that to truly understand all things alien, you must first understand yourself.


Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown 2011


The story revolves around Shu Ouma, a high school boy who inadvertently obtains an ability called "The Power of the Kings" that enables him to draw out items called "Voids" from other people. He is then thrown into the conflict between a resistance group called Funeral Parlor which aims to restore Japan's independence from a quasi-governmental organization known as the GHQ. In the process, Shu has to deal with the burden his ability puts on his shoulders and the horrific mystery of his past.



Colony 2016


In the near future a family must make difficult decisions as they balance staying together with trying to survive. They live in Los Angeles, which has been occupied by a force of outside intruders. While some people have chosen to collaborate with the authorities and benefit from the new order, others have rebelled — and suffer the consequences.


From the New World

From the New World 2012


Born into a world 1000 years in our future, Saki and her friends live in utopia. Not only is their idyllic community overflowing with resources, but technology is obsolete, thanks to a magical power that grants the ability to materialize anything. However, when Saki discovers a lost artifact, the facade is shattered! Faced with a startling truth about their town, Saki and her companions face dangers they never knew existed, and their choices may change the fate of everyone.


God Eater

God Eater 2015


In the early 2050s, unknown life forms called “Oracle cells” begin their uncontrolled consumption of all life on Earth. Their ravenous appetite and remarkable adaptability earn them first dread, then awe, and finally the name “aragami”. In the face of an enemy completely immune to conventional weapons, urban civilization collapses, and each day humanity is driven further and further toward extinction. One single ray of hope remains for humanity. Following the development of “God Arcs”—living weapons which incorporate Oracle cells—their wielders are organized into an elite force.


Star Trek: Picard

Star Trek: Picard 2020


Set twenty years after the events of Star Trek Nemesis, we follow the now-retired Admiral Picard into the next chapter of his life.


Deadman Wonderland

Deadman Wonderland 2011


Ganta is the only survivor after a mysterious man in red slaughters a classroom full of teenagers. He's framed for the carnage, sentenced to die, and locked away in the most twisted prison ever built: Deadman Wonderland. And then it gets worse.



Snowpiercer 2020


More than seven years after the world has become a frozen wasteland, the remnants of humanity inhabit a gigantic, perpetually-moving train that circles the globe as class warfare, social injustice and the politics of survival play out.


The Man in the High Castle

The Man in the High Castle 2015


Explore what it would be like if the Allied Powers had lost WWII, and Japan and Germany ruled the United States. Based on Philip K. Dick's award-winning novel.


Divine Gate

Divine Gate 2016


The Divine Gate ushered in an era of chaos. Now, a select few have gathered to attempt to reach the Gate and remake the world.


Bubblegum Crisis

Bubblegum Crisis 1987


MegaTokyo 2033: Tokyo was left flattened as a result from a great earthquake. A new city, MegaTokyo, was then recreated due in no small part from the aid of a multi-million dollar company, Genom Corp. Genom created and mass-produced biomechanical creatures called Boomers to aid in the restoration of MegaTokyo. When the Boomers began to run out of control, the ADPolice at first tried to stop them, but they proved to be far more difficult to deal with than was first imagined. Under the ever looming Boomer threat, a group of four girls from varying degrees of society banded together. Calling themselves The Knight Sabers, they were the only ones with enough firepower and resourcefullness to defend the fledgling MegaTokyo from Genom and it's berserk Boomers.



Psycho-Pass 2012


Psycho-Pass is set in a futuristic era in Japan where the Sibyl System, a powerful network of psychometric scanners, actively measures the biometrics of its citizens' minds. The resulting assessment is called a Psycho-Pass. When the calculated likelihood of an individual committing a crime, measured by the Crime Coefficient index, exceeds an accepted threshold, he or she is pursued, apprehended, and either arrested or decomposed by the field officers of the Crime Investigation Department of the Public Safety Bureau.