Atslēgvārds Guilt
Openheimers 2023
Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.
Caur sniegiem 2013
Zeme. Netāla nākotne. 17 gadus pēc tam, kad uz planētas notikusi tehnoloģiska katastrofa, agrākos mežus un dārzus klāj sniegi un ledāji. Dzīvība ir saglabājusies tikai lielajā vilcienā, kas bez apstājas traucas pa transeirāzijas maģistrāli.
I Saw the TV Glow 2024
Ziedu mēness slepkavas 2023
20. gs. mijā nafta atnesa bagātību oseidžu ciltij, kuri vienā naktī kļuva par bagātākajiem cilvēkiem pasaulē. Tas piesaistīja balto cilvēku uzmanību, kuri ieradās oseidžu zemē, nozaga, cik spēja, pirms ķērās pie slepkavībām. “Ziedu mēness slepkavas” pamatā ir patiess stāsts, kura centrā ir Ernesta un Mollijas attiecības. Mārtina Skorsēzes episkajā vesterna kriminālsāgā mīlestības ceļi krustojas ar neizmērojamu nežēlību.
No One Will Save You 2023
Tuvu 2022
Divu tuvāko draugu šķiršanās stāsts. Trīspadsmitgadīgie Leo un Remī ir nenodalāmi viens no otra. Būdami tuvāki par brāļiem, viņi pavada laiku skolā, Leo ģimenes gleznainajā dāliju audzētavā un pārnakšņo viens pie otra. Apzinoties, ka viņu tuvību skolasbiedri sāk uztvert citādāk, Leo pārvērtē abu attiecības un to, kas viņš vēlētos būt.
Būda 2017
Kāds sērojošs vīrs saņem noslēpumainu ielūgumu satikties ar Dievu kādā vietā, ko sauc par Būdu.
Mothers' Instinct 2024
Mystic River 2003
Antikrists 2009
A Haunting in Venice 2023
The Ritual 2017
Reiz Brigē 2008
Palīgā sauciens 2013
911 jau izsenis ir plaši pazīstams ārkārtējo notikumu tālrunis, pa kuru zvana tie, kuriem ir vajadzīga palīdzība. Šoreiz kāda meitene, kura kļuvusi par maniaka upuri, griežas pēc palīdzības un lolo pēdējo cerību uz glābiņu. Dienesta tālruņa operatorei nāksies pārvarēt savas bailes, lai izpestītu meiteni no nāves.
Līdz kaulam 2022
Jauna sieviete dodas 1000 jūdžu garā odisejā cauri Amerikai. Ceļā viņa satiek nepieradinātu jaunekli ar kuru kopā viņa stāsies pretī pagātnes rēgiem un noskaidros - vai mīlestība ir spēcīgāka pret citādo?!
Insomnia 2002
Dressed to Kill 1980
Madea Goes to Jail 2009
서복 2021
13 Reasons Why 2017
After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice.
Rescue Me 2004
Rescue Me revolves around the lives of the men in a New York City firehouse, the crew of 62 Truck. Examining the fraternal nature and relationships of firefighters, the series tackles the daily drama of the life-and-death situations associated with being a firefighter, while exploring the ways the men use dark humor to protect their true emotions.
The Grapes of Guilt 2023
In the family drama "The Grapes of Guilt", two main themes are intertwined - wine and the guilt that a person experiences in his life. The 12-episode film revolves around the wine industry. It tells the story of a young man forced after the death of his uncle to abandon his seemingly orderly life in the US and revive his winery. His desire is strong, he has no experience and his legacy is desperate - lying barrels, debts and workers who will soon be on the street. Only the wayward winemaker of the cellar can get him out of the mess, but her father turns out to be a hidden partner in the business, whose plans do not coincide with those of the "intruder". Secrets and guilt from the past are about to ruin everything.
Fleabag 2016
A portrait into the mind of a dry-witted, sexual, angry, porn-watching, grief-riddled woman, trying to make sense of the world. As she hurls herself headlong at modern living, Fleabag is thrown roughly up against the walls of contemporary London, with all its frenetic energy, late nights, and bright lights.
Wake Up 2015
After taking the blame for a patient death, an anesthesiologist battling psychiatric trauma fights to stay afloat in the corrupt hospital system.
Penance 2012
The murder of a young girl shocks a small Japanese village, and the victim's mother is distraught when the classmates her daughter was playing with all claim not to remember the identity of the killer. In her anger, she puts a curse on them.
The Lakes 1997
Compelling BBC1 drama series embracing sex, death and Catholic guilt, set in a small community in the Lake District. The first four-part series centred on newcomer Danny Kavanagh; the second 10-part series featured other characters in the community.
Blossom in Heart 2019
Romance between a girl who wants to seek revenge for her father, and the second son of the Yue family who owns a rogue manufacturing factory.
Guilt 2019
Two brothers seem to get away with a crime - but soon discover they can trust no-one, including each other, in a pitch-black, contemporary thriller.
Closer to You 2020
A surgeon suddenly returns to eighteen years ago and meets his classmate Han Fei, and helps her put down her guard and untie the knot in her heart.
Bye Bye, My Friend 2023
This coming-of-age drama follows Hayakawa Mai, a contract worker with aspirations of becoming a novelist. After her agency terminates her contract, she begins to lose hope in her dreams. However, a chance reunion with her best friend from high school, whom she hasn't seen in ten years, helps her regain her positivity. Despite this, Mai struggles with guilt over her past actions towards her friend.
Star's Echo 2004
The story is centered on the love between a musically gifted South Korean man, Sung-jae Jo Hyun Jae, and a Japanese woman, Misaki Nakagoshi Noriko. Misaki, who feels guilty over her boyfriend's death, is transferred to Korean and meets Seong-jae who helps her cure her wounds of the past memories with love.
Ghost Tales 2022
A genre-jumping anthology series wherein individuals communicate with the dead.
Second Generation 2003
An explosive two-part drama about love, family and identity - set around the tangled relationships of two Indian families with a deep-rooted, shared history.
Under Capricorn 1983
Helen Simpson's scorching novel of passion and unspoken loyalty is brought to life in a major mini series unfolding in the epic Australian tradition of Against The Wind and Sara Dane.
Our D-Day 2023
'Our D-Day' is a work that tells the story of the last journey of a man and his friends who established the D-day of their lives. Actor Son Min-ho, Shin Bo-ra of the girl group Gugudan, and actors Jung Jun-hwan and Yoon Ha-bin, and director Baek Min-hee, who has directed several web dramas, appear. The youthful journey in 'Our D-Day' will comfort and encourage viewers of the MZ generation and provide self-healing.