Ļaunuma izsaukšana

Ļaunuma izsaukšana 2013


Filmas pamatā ir patiess stāsts no pasaulslaveno paranormālo parādību pētnieku Eda un Lorēnas Vorenu dzīves. Reiz viņu palīdzību lūdza kāda ģimene, kuru nomaļajā lauku mājā terorizēja tumšas parādības. Voreni ir spiesti saskarties ar spēcīgu dēmonisko parādību, tādējādi iesaistoties šausminošākajā lietā savā mūžā.


Ļaunuma izsaukšana: Man to lika darīt velns

Ļaunuma izsaukšana: Man to lika darīt velns 2021


Asinsstindzinošs stāsts par šausmām, slepkavībām un nezināmu ļaunumu, kas satriecis vispieredzējušākos paranormālo parādību pētniekus Edu un Loreinu Vorenus. Viens no sensacionālākajiem gadījumiem viņu karjerā sākas ar cīņu par kāda maza zēna dvēseli un aizved tālāk, nekā viņi jebkad iepriekš pieredzējuši, iezīmējot pirmo reizi ASV vēsturē, kad slepkavībā aizdomās turētā aizstāvībā minēts tas, ka viņu apsēdis velns.



Mūķene 2018


Jauna mūķene nomaļā abatijā Rumānijā ir izdarījusi pašnāvību. Lai izmeklētu šo gadījumu, Vatikāns nosūta turp kādu priesteri ar tumšu pagātni un novici, kas gatavojas dot mūķenes solījumus. Riskējot ne tikai ar dzīvību, bet arī ar ticību un dvēseli, abi šķetinās klostera baisos noslēpumus. Viņiem būs jāstājas pretī ļaunam spēkam dēmoniskas mūķenes izskatā, bet abatija kļūs par kaujaslauku, kurā norisināsies cīņa starp dzīvajiem un nolādētajiem.



Konstantīns 2005


Džons Konstantīns ir bijis ellē un atpakaļ. Konstantīns, dzimis ar nevēlamu dāvanu un spēju skaidri atpazīt eņģeļus un dēmonus, kas staigā pa zemi cilvēka aizsegā, tika mudināts uz pašnāvību, lai izvairītos no sava redzējuma mokošās skaidrības. Bet viņam tas neizdevās. Tagad, iezīmējot savu pašnāvības mēģinājumu, viņš patrulē uz zemes robežas starp debesīm un elli, veltīgi cerot nopelnīt ceļu uz pestīšanu, nosūtot Luciffera minionus atpakaļ uz pazemes. Kad izmisis, bet skeptiski noskaņotais policijas detektīvs lūdz viņu palīdzību viņas mīļotās dvīņu māsas noslēpumainās nāves risināšanā, viņu izmeklēšana viņus ved cauri dēmonu un eņģeļu pasaulei, kas atrodas tieši zem mūsdienu Losandželosas pilsētas ainavas. Saķērušies katastrofālā pārdabisko notikumu sērijā, abi ir nesaraujami saistīti un cenšas par katru cenu atrast savu mieru.


Sātana izdzinējs: Ticība

Sātana izdzinējs: Ticība 2023


Pēc sievas nāves Viktors audzina meitu Andželu viens pats. Kad Andžela un viņas draudzene Ketrīna pazūd mežā un atgriežas trīs dienas vēlāk, neatceroties to, kas ar viņām noticis, tas atraisa notikumu virkni, kas piespiedīs Viktoru stāties aci pret aci pretī ļaunumam.


Gals klāt!

Gals klāt! 2013


Bohēmisku ballīti aktiera Džeimsa Franko mājās pārtrauc neizprotamas un graujošas dabas parādības. Vairums viesu namu pamet, bet paliek daži viņa draugi, tai skaitā arī Sets Rogens un Džona Hils. Pārtikas un dzeramā nav daudz, iziet uz ielas ir pārāk bīstami, taču "zālītes" un citu narkotisko vielu viņiem ir pārpārēm. Aktieri vada dienas gan izklaidējoties, gan apsverot nākotnes filmu scenārijus un strīdoties, bet pienāk brīdis, kad nopietna iemesla dēļ puiši ir spiesti bēgt no mājas. Lai meklētu glābiņu un atklātu atbildi uz jautājumu - kas ir tas, kas viņus apdraud?



Supernatural 2005


When they were boys, Sam and Dean Winchester lost their mother to a mysterious and demonic supernatural force. Subsequently, their father raised them to be soldiers. He taught them about the paranormal evil that lives in the dark corners and on the back roads of America ... and he taught them how to kill it. Now, the Winchester brothers crisscross the country in their '67 Chevy Impala, battling every kind of supernatural threat they encounter along the way.


Jujutsu Kaisen

Jujutsu Kaisen 2020


Yuji Itadori is a boy with tremendous physical strength, though he lives a completely ordinary high school life. One day, to save a classmate who has been attacked by curses, he eats the finger of Ryomen Sukuna, taking the curse into his own soul. From then on, he shares one body with Ryomen Sukuna. Guided by the most powerful of sorcerers, Satoru Gojo, Itadori is admitted to Tokyo Jujutsu High School, an organization that fights the curses... and thus begins the heroic tale of a boy who became a curse to exorcise a curse, a life from which he could never turn back.


Blue Exorcist

Blue Exorcist 2011


Humans live in the world of Assiah, demons in Gehenna. The two dimensions are not meant to interfere with each other, but demons still possess creatures in Assiah in spite of this. The humans who can fight these demons are known as exorcists. Rin Okumura is a boy who bears the curse of being Satan's illegitimate son. His foster father sacrificed himself to save him from demons. To avenge his foster father's death as well as to prove himself, Rin decides to follow the path of an exorcist and defeat his own father, Satan. To hone his raw skills, Rin enters True Cross Academy to train with other exorcist candidates.


Natsume's Book of Friends

Natsume's Book of Friends 2008


Natsume Takashi has the ability to see spirits, which he has long kept secret. However, once he inherits a strange book that belonged to his deceased grandmother, Reiko, he discovers the reason why spirits surround him.


Twin Star Exorcists

Twin Star Exorcists 2016


Rokuro is from a family of exorcists, but he'd rather be a singer, a soccer player or anything but an exorcist! He's forced to own up to his own incredible potential when new arrival Benio stirs his competitive spirit. But their rivalry gets a twist when they earn the prestigious title of "Twin Star Exorcists"—two supreme fighters fated to marry and birth the ultimate spiritual warrior!


30 Coins

30 Coins 2020


Father Vergara—an exorcist, boxer and ex-convict—lives in a remote village in Spain. Hoping to be lost and forgotten, Vergara’s demons catch up to him.


Ghost Hunt

Ghost Hunt 2006


Telling ghost stories is a favorite past time of Mai Taniyama and her friends—that is, until she meets 17-year-old Kazuya Shibuya, the man sent by Shibuya Psychic Research Center to investigate paranormal activity at a supposedly haunted school. When Mai gets caught in a dangerous situation, she is rescued by Kazuya's assistant. Saving her lands the assistant incapacitated, and Kazuya demands that Mai become his assistant, instead...



Island 2022


Jeju Island is taken over by evil spirits. An exorcist, priest, and chaebol heiress are fated to fight against evil spirits attempting to end the world. “They are stirring at last.”


The School Nurse Files

The School Nurse Files 2020


Wielding a light-up sword through the dark corners of a high school, a nurse with an unusual gift protects students from monsters only she can see.



Constantine 2014


A man struggling with his faith is haunted by the sins of his past but is suddenly thrust into the role of defending humanity from the gathering forces of darkness.


The Exorcist

The Exorcist 2016


Follow the lives of two very different priests tackling one family’s case of terrifying demonic possession.


Ayakashi Triangle

Ayakashi Triangle 2023


Japan may be brimming with mysterious monsters called ayakashi, but they have a special exorcist ninja force to counter the threat! Young exorcist ninja Matsuri spends his days fighting ayakashi to protect his childhood friend Suzu. But when an ayakashi cat named Shirogane shows up, things get turned upside down!



Mokke 2007


This is a story about two sisters: Shizuru is a high school student who is able to see ghosts while her younger sister, Mizuki, is haunted by these apparitions. Frustrated by their abilities, their parents decided to entrust the sisters into the care of their grandparents who live in the countryside. As they adapt to life in the countryside, Shizuru and Mizuki begin to learn about the importance of coexisting nature with these apparitions.



07-Ghost 2009


Set in a gothic fantasy world, this is the story of Teito Klein, an orphaned slave who became the top military academy student. However, an unexpected turn of events left him pursued by the forces of the Barsburg Empire. Now an escaping convict, Teito's sheltered by the church and its law of sanctuary. Here, he discovered many mysteries surrounding himself, the church, and the Empire itself. The fact that he might be connected to a dethroned king and the mystical stone of god, "The Eye of Mikhael", made him the target of the empire more than ever. Fortunately the church is under the mythical 7 Ghost protection. But who are the Ghosts really. Will Teito be free from the military's clutch, and what of his said mission to uncover the history. And who is the military's Chief-of-Staff Ayanami exactly. Teito's future seems to have spiraled into an unexpectedly perilous path.


Bring It On, Ghost

Bring It On, Ghost 2016


Hyun-Ji studied for her 19 years before she died in an accident. She is now a ghost and has wandered around the world for several years. Hyun-Ji then meets exorcist Park Bong-Pal. Hyun-Ji and Bong-Pal listens to various stories from ghosts and sends them to the otherworld.


Constantine: City of Demons

Constantine: City of Demons 2018


Armed with an arcane knowledge of the dark arts and a wicked wit, John Constantine fights the good fight. With his soul already damned to hell, he’ll do whatever it takes to protect the innocent. With the balance of good and evil on the line, Constantine uses his skills to face the supernatural terrors that threaten our world and send them back where they belong. After that, who knows…maybe there’s hope for him and his soul after all.


Bad Exorcist

Bad Exorcist 2020


No demon is safe as Bogdan Boner, the alcohol-loving, self-taught exorcist-for-hire, returns with more inventive, obscene and deadly deeds.


La Poseída

La Poseída 2015


A young possessed woman is brought to live in a convent, where she will provoke passions and test the beliefs and strength of the faithful.


Midwinter of the Spirit

Midwinter of the Spirit 2015


Country vicar Merrily Watkins just happens to be one of the few women priests working as an exorcist. When a man is found murdered by crucifixion, the police, aware of her knowledge of the paranormal underworld, turn to the Vicar for assistance. Before long Merilly is convinced Satanists are behind the crime and the investigation takes them into a very dark and dangerous world.