2012 2009


Atbilstoši Maiju indiāņu kalendāram 2012.gadā visas saules sistēmas planētas atradīsies uz vienas līnijas, kā rezultātā izcelsies globāla mēroga dabas kataklizmas: visspēcīgākās zemestrīces, cunami un vulkānu izvirdumi valstis un veselus kontinentus pārvērtīs drupās. Zinātnieki nesen apliecinājuši, ka šis mīts var kļūt par realitāti.


Baltais Krauklis

Baltais Krauklis 2022


Filma ir par laiku, kad Krievijas karaspēks veic slēpto iebrukumu Donbasā, Mikolas (Pavlo Aldošins) naivā pasaule sabrūk, viņš jūtas bezspēcīgs nenovēršamo draudu priekšā, jo kaujinieki nogalina viņa sievu (Marina Koškina) un nodedzina līdz pamatiem eko māju, kurā viņi abi līdz šim dzīvoja, veicot sava veida eksperimentu, par iespēju mūsdienās būt laimīgiem bez kaitīgiem “civilizācijas labumiem”. Mikola neatrod attaisnojumu šai nežēlībai un pieņem kardinālu lēmumu iet un aizsargāt savu zemi no ienaidniekiem, kļūstot par brīvprātīgo frontē. Agrākais pacifists kļūst par drosmīgu profesionāli snaiperu rotā, taču kāda kaujas uzdevuma laikā viņš atpazīst savas sievas slepkavas un emocionāli eksplodē.



Enija 2014


Par klasiku kļuvusī Brodveja izrāde, kas priecējusi jau daudzas skatītāju paaudzes, pārtapusi mūsdienīgā kino ekrāna versijā – komēdijā Enija. Enija ir desmitgadīga meitenīte, kas aug bez vecākiem, bet ir gana apķērīga, lai par sevi pastāvētu Ņujorkas ielās. Atstājot Eniju bērnu namā, vecāki apsolīja, ka kādu dienu atgriezīsies viņai pakaļ. Kopš tā brīža Enijai ir bijusi skarba dzīve, uzaugot nīgrās Mis Haniganas aprūpē. Viss izmainās brīdī, kad pilsētas mēra amata kandidāts Vils Staks, padomdevēju mudināts, nolemj kļūt par Enijas aizbildni, lai pārliecinātu vēlētājus, ka viņš ir iejūtīgs cilvēks. Staks jūtas kā Enijas sargeņģelis, nenojaušot, ka Enija ar savu neparasto dzīves uztveri ienesīs viņa dzīvē un dvēselē to, kā tur sen trūcis.


Atpakaļ nākotnē 2

Atpakaļ nākotnē 2 1989


Filma sākas tur, kur beidzās "Atpakaļ nākotnē" pirmā daļa. Mārtijs Makflajs nupat kā atgriezies no pagātnes, kad atkal viņa ceļi krustojas ar profesoru Emetu Braunu, un sākas jauns ceļojums laikā. Mārtija jaunais darbs nākotnē ir izlikties par paša dēlu, lai nepieļautu sevis nonākšanu cietumā. Diemžēl situācija mainās un pasliktinās ik minūti, un rīcība nākotnē jau atkal atstāj savas sekas tagadnē.



Sala 2005



Dārgais Evans Hansens

Dārgais Evans Hansens 2021


Filma stāsta par Evanu Hansenu – vidusskolas absolventu ar sociālās trauksmes traucējumiem. Tā seko viņa ceļojumam pašatklāšanās pasaulē, kā arī klasesbiedra pašnāvības izdarīšanas apjaušanā un viņa paša dzīves pieņemšanā.



Skandāls 2019


Uz patiesiem notikumiem balstīts stāsts, kas ļauj ielūkoties visu laiku varenākās, bet pretrunīgāk vērtētās mediju impērijas "Fox News" iekšienē un vēstī par sievietēm, kuras atmaskoja un gāza no troņa tās vadītāju.



Klan 1997


Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.



Euphoria 2019


A group of high school students navigate love and friendships in a world of drugs, sex, trauma, and social media.


Baby Reindeer

Baby Reindeer 2024


When a struggling comedian shows one act of kindness to a vulnerable woman, it sparks a suffocating obsession which threatens to wreck both their lives.



Unbelievable 2019


A teenager is charged with lying about her rape allegation, but two determined investigative female detectives discover a far more sinister truth.


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters

Monarch: Legacy of Monsters 2023


After surviving Godzilla's attack on San Francisco, Cate is shaken yet again by a shocking secret. Amid monstrous threats, she embarks on a globetrotting adventure to learn the truth about her family—and the mysterious organization known as Monarch.



WHAT / IF 2019


A pair of cash-strapped newlyweds accept a lucrative but morally dubious offer from a mysterious female benefactor.


Fancy Nancy

Fancy Nancy 2018


Meet Nancy Clancy, a high-spirited young girl whose imagination and enthusiasm for all that is exquisite transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary – from her vast vocabulary to her creative and elaborate attire.


Another Era

Another Era 2018


The 2008 financial crisis swept the whole world. Ambitious businessman Leo Ho Tin-sang seizes the opportunity to take over the corporation of Hong Kong's wealthiest man, Fong Chung-yam, but is blocked by businessman Cheuk Kai-tong. Leo holds a grudge and looks for an opportunity to get revenge. Ten years later, Kai-tong has become the richest person in Hong Kong, yet encounters unfortunate circumstances. When his son is killed in an accident, Kai-tong suffers a heart attack and falls into a coma. To manage the family business, his inexperienced daughter Ella Cheuk Ding-yiu, with the help of private equity fund manager Duncan Ko Chit, engages in a corporate war with Leo. When Kai-tong awakens, he, along with Leo's wife, Chung-yam's grandson, and a young entrepreneur all join the battle. Everyone's fate become entangled as they stir up another battle of the century...


Paper Girls

Paper Girls 2022


It's the day after Halloween in 1988 when four young friends accidentally stumble into an intergalactic battle and find themselves inexplicably transported to the year 2019. When they come face-to-face with their adult selves, each girl discovers her own strengths as together they try to find a way back to the past while saving the world of the future.



Safe 2018


After his daughter goes missing, a widower begins uncovering the dark secrets of the people closest to him.


Finding the Rainbow

Finding the Rainbow 2022


The romantic work tells a love story set against the backdrop of historical events, spanning the Black May event in 1992, 9/11 and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021.



Clipped 2024


Go behind the scenes of a notorious NBA owner's racist remarks, captured on a tape heard around the world, charting a collision between a dysfunctional basketball organization and even less functional marriage, and the precipitating tape's impact on an ensemble of characters striving to win against the backdrop of the most cursed team in the league.


The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez

The Trials of Gabriel Fernandez 2020


A boy’s brutal murder and the public trials of his guardians and social workers prompt questions about the system’s protection of vulnerable children.


The Girl from Plainville

The Girl from Plainville 2022


The controversial case of Michelle Carter, who was convicted in 2017 of involuntary manslaughter for encouraging the suicide of her then-boyfriend via texts and phone calls.


The 2010s

The 2010s 2023


Audiences are invited to look back at The 2010s, a turbulent era marked by political and social upheaval, culminating in the single most dramatic year of the 21st century: 2020. It was a decade in which social media transformed society and streaming upended entertainment, resulting in genre-defying music and ushering in the era of "peak TV".



Flash 2020


A series about the evolution of various spheres of Ukrainian culture and its modern heroes. This is the result of 100+ interviews and stories about how whole layers of culture were created in Ukraine. It is an attempt to capture the outbreak that is happening today and that we are waiting for tomorrow, to understand the strengths and weaknesses, identify trends and find answers to questions that concern. Each episode reveals an important topic: from the phenomenon of Ukrainian pop music and clipmaking to movies, comedy, street art and local clothing brands.


Sunderland 'Til I Die

Sunderland 'Til I Die 2018


This docuseries follows English soccer club Sunderland through the 2017-18 season as they try to bounce back after relegation from the Premier League.


Harvey Street Kids

Harvey Street Kids 2018


Kids rule in a place called Harvey Street, where a trio of girls right wrongs, ice cream is always an option, and every day feels like Saturday.


Remember Me

Remember Me 2022


Are you still able to recall those nostalgic days when you'd anxiously anticipate that much-awaited reply from the one you loved? Handwritten letters. MSN Messenger. Blackberry. LINE. Even though times have changed, messages have always allowed us to convey our feelings of love. But while communication helps bring us closer, does it also somehow deepen the distance between our hearts?


Cricket Fever: Mumbai Indians

Cricket Fever: Mumbai Indians 2019


Follow Indian Premier League champions Mumbai Indians through the 2018 season in this series featuring insider insights and intense cricket action.