
Singam 2010


The story, set in the backdrop of Nallore, a small town in Thoothukudi District, revolves around Sub-Inspector Durai Singam, a brave and just policeman who serves in his hometown primarily to fulfill his father’s wish. Durai Singam settles every dispute in his town patiently with his words of wisdom and resorts to force only when the situation demands it. Kavya, a city girl who comes on vacation to Nallore, falls in love with Durai Singam. Erimalai, Durai Singam's bumbling colleague and friend, often accompanies him.


Heart o' the Hills

Heart o' the Hills 1919


Family tensions in the Kentucky hills are inflamed by an outsider's dishonest scheme to exploit the area for its coal.



Invasion 2020


In this era of “reconciliation”, Indigenous land is still being taken at gunpoint. Unist’ot’en Camp, Gidimt’en checkpoint and the larger Wet’suwet’en Nation are standing up to the Canadian government and corporations who continue colonial violence against Indigenous people. The Unist’ot’en Camp has been a beacon of resistance for nearly 10 years. It is a healing space for Indigenous people and settlers alike, and an active example of decolonization. The violence, environmental destruction, and disregard for human rights following TC Energy (formerly TransCanada) / Coastal GasLink’s interim injunction has been devastating to bear, but this fight is far from over.


Valley of the Giants

Valley of the Giants 1938


A lumberman takes on a sleezy corporate giant wanting to move in and do whatever it takes to drive everyone else out of business.