Pearl 2022
Zarobljena na osamljenoj farmi svoje obitelji, Pearl brine o svom bolesnom ocu pod nadmoćnim budnim okom svoje pobožne majke. Pozadinska priča o tome kako je Pearl postala osoba kakva je bila. Nastavak filma ‘X‘ iz 2022. godine.
Zarobljena na osamljenoj farmi svoje obitelji, Pearl brine o svom bolesnom ocu pod nadmoćnim budnim okom svoje pobožne majke. Pozadinska priča o tome kako je Pearl postala osoba kakva je bila. Nastavak filma ‘X‘ iz 2022. godine.
U svijetu koji se našao u rasulu zbog smrtonosne pandemije Brian s djevojkom Bobby te njezin brat Danny s djevojkom Kate kreću na put kako bi pronašli skrovište. Pronalaze ga na plaži koju su posjećivali kao djeca, nadajući se da će tamo biti sigurni. No na putu prema tamo, auto im se pokvari usred pustinje. Susreću Franka, koji je također zaglavio jer mu je vozilo ostalo bez goriva, a pokušava prebaciti svoju kći Jodie do bolnice. Prijatelji i obitelj odluče putovati zajedno, no put se pretvori u noćnu moru kada se ispostaviti da se najveći neprijatelj skriva među njima.
Neobjašnjivo imun, Robert je jedini preživjeli čovjek u onome što je ostalo od New Yorka, a možda i svijeta. Dok kao zadnja nada za ljudsku vrstu svim silama pokušava poništiti učinke virusa pomoću vlastite imune krvi, na njega vrebaju mutirane žrtve pošasti.
Akcijski triler o prijetnji širenja smrtonosnog virusa. Liječnici u CDC-ju i Svjetskoj zdravstvenoj organizaciji žure se pronaći lijek i zaustaviti širenje smrtonosne zaraze.
Travanj 2020. Uslijed pandemije, studentica Parker i njena najbolja prijateljica Miri odluče se staviti u karantenu u obiteljsku kuću na jezeru, gdje će biti same - ili barem tako one misle.
Stan, Kyle i Cartman vraćaju se u prošlost, radeći zajedno kako bi osigurali da se COVID-19 nikada ne dogodi i spasili Kennyjev život.
Stan, Kyle, Cartman i Kenny žive kroz pandemiju COVID-19 i preživljavaju, ali više nikada neće biti isti.
Priča Songbirda vodi se oko mutirajućeg Covida-23 zbog kojeg se zaraženi vode u infekcijske kampove. Nico (KJ Apa) i Sara (Sofia Carson) par su koji se ne može vidjeti zbog raznoraznih mjera koje im onemogućuju fizički kontakt. Nico je imun na smrtonosni virus, a za Saru se vjeruje da je zaražena te se Nico upušta u misiju spašavanja kako ju vlasti ne bi zatvorile ili napravile nešto puno gore.
Spas od zastrašujuće natprirodne opasnosti koja se proširila svijetom Paul i njegova obitelj potraže u zabačenoj šumskoj kolibi. Iako se čini da će uspješno prebroditi sve što ih očekuje cijela se situacija dodatno zakomplicira kada se na vratima njihovog doma pojavi mlada obitelj u potrazi za skloništem. Obe obitelji imaju najbolje namjere no osjećaji paranoje i nepovjerenja probuditi će u Paulu nešto mračno i ubojito.
Nakon eksplozije u Vatikanu, američki vojnik stacioniran u Rimu kreće u tajnu misiju protiv nepoznatog neprijatelja koji je prijetnja cijelom svijetu.
Svojevrsna kuga uzrokovana biološkim ratom usmrtila je sve osim grupice od nekoliko stotina deformiranih ljudi koji sebe nazivaju - obitelj. Oni su postali osjetljivi na svjetlost, te psihotični i podložni ubojstvu. Vjeruju kako je znanost i tehnologija ta koja je kriva za sve. Dr. Neville, kao posljednji predstavnik znanosti i starog svijeta mora umrijeti!
Set amidst a wave of violent animal attacks sweeping across the planet, a young renegade scientist is thrust into a race to unlock the mystery behind this pandemic before time runs out for animals and humans alike.
Their mission is simple: Find a cure. Stop the virus. Save the world. When a global pandemic wipes out eighty percent of the planet's population, the crew of a lone naval destroyer must find a way to pull humanity from the brink of extinction.
On a perilous adventure across a post-apocalyptic world, a lovable boy who's half-human and half-deer searches for a new beginning with a gruff protector.
The Man-Killer Virus: a lethal disease that has eradicated 99.9% of the world's male population. Mizuhara Reito has been in cryogenic sleep for the past five years, leaving behind Tachibana Erisa, the girl of his dreams. When Reito awakens from the deep freeze, he emerges into a sex-crazed new world where he himself is the planet's most precious resource. Reito and four other male studs are given lives of luxury and one simple mission: repopulate the world by impregnating as many women as possible! All Reito wants, however, is to find his beloved Erisa who went missing three years ago. Can Reito resist temptation and find his one true love?
In a world mostly wiped out by the plague and embroiled in an elemental struggle between good and evil, the fate of mankind rests on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail and a handful of survivors. Their worst nightmares are embodied in a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers: Randall Flagg, the Dark Man.
After a deadly plague kills most of the world’s population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one led by a benevolent elder and the other by a maleficent being - to face each other in a final battle between good and evil.
The Kusaribe family is a family of sorcerers under the protection of the ‘Tree of Origins.’ Their princess, Hakaze Kusaribe, was the greatest sorceress of their family. But Samon Kusaribe, a member of their family seeking to resurrect the ‘Tree of World's End,’ a tree that opposes the ‘Tree of Origins’ and controls the power of destruction, stuffs her into a barrel, and banishes her to a deserted island.
David Tennant and Michael Sheen (playing themselves) were due to star in a production of 'Six Characters in Search of an Author' in the West End. The pandemic has put an end to that, but their director (Simon Evans) is determined not to let the opportunity pass them by.
After a mysterious disease begins transforming people into vampires, Dr. Luther Swann is pitted against his best friend, now a powerful vampire leader.
When a deadly virus wipes out most of the world's population, a handful of survivors struggle to stay alive.
This anthology series set during the pandemic follows 10 unique love stories of passion and heartache.
2037, the inhabitants of Norway enjoy sheltered lives in a self-sufficient Nordic paradise. But when a deadly pandemic breaks out, they soon realize the wall supposed to protect them is now holding them prisoner.
Set in the 1960s; Paranormal follows the adventures of Dr. Refaat Ismail, a professor of hematology, as he comes up against various supernatural events with the help of his Scottish old flame, Maggie.
The bird flu virus spreads through Los Angeles as a doctor from the CDC races to find a vaccine.
Teenage streamer Cairo is caught off guard when he receives a video call from a new online rival called Gavreel. He is even more surprised when the handsome stranger asks him out. Can two gamers make romance work during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, or will it be game over for their love story?
In this docuseries, meet the heroes on the front lines of the battle against influenza and learn about their efforts to stop the next global outbreak.
Set in a dystopian future when women have stopped having children, "The Lottery" reveals a world staring down the barrel of impending extinction. Remarkably, 100 embryos are successfully fertilized and a national lottery is held to decide the surrogates. As conflict, control and mystery over this global crisis unfolds, the government’s interests and power begin to dominate, igniting a highly controversial debate over our fundamental and personal freedom to raise a family.
An act of desperation turns into a race for survival. Stacey kills a patient to make room for her dying father. Now, she has to pay for the consequences of her crime.
Five women head out on a weekend of a lifetime to celebrate Zara's engagement only to be interrupted by the end of the world. They subsequently have to wait it out in an isolated holiday cottage in Wales and, emerging from quarantine into the harsh new post-apocalyptic world, find the male population has almost entirely been wiped out.