Tri metra iznad neba 2010
Ljubavna priča o dvoje mladih čiji se život u potpunosti mijenja nakon prvog susreta. Njih dvoje su crno-bijeli svijet koji se ujedinjuje u prvoj i pravoj ljubavi koja će uskoro biti stavljena na kušnju...
Ljubavna priča o dvoje mladih čiji se život u potpunosti mijenja nakon prvog susreta. Njih dvoje su crno-bijeli svijet koji se ujedinjuje u prvoj i pravoj ljubavi koja će uskoro biti stavljena na kušnju...
Najbolje namjere često se vraćaju da vas progone. U novom nastavku Nemoguće misije, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) i njegov tim MMF-a (Alec Baldwin, Simon Pegg, Ving Rhames) zajedno sa saveznicima (Rebecca Ferguson, Michelle Monaghan), nađu se u utrci s vremenom kada misija krene po zlu. Henry Cavill, Angela Bassett i Vanessa Kirby pridružit će se dinamičnom timu s redateljem Christopherom McQuarriejem na čelu.
U vrijeme nakon nuklearne katastrofe Zemlja je opustošena. Preživjeli su uspjeli organizirati život, no vlada anarhija, a razne bande haraju. Policija je nemoćna. Kad izgubi partnera, policajac Max Rockatinsky odluči se povući i živjeti obiteljskim životom, no u jednom od svojih razornih pohoda motociklistička banda ubije mu ženu i dijete. Otada, njegov je jedini cilj uhvatiti ubojice.
Kad motociklist kaskader ponudi svoju dušu Mefistofelesu kako bi spasio živote onih koje najviše voli, prisiljen je biti domaćin moćnom natprirodnom biću čije lice, koje izgleda kao lubanja u plamenu, ulijeva strah u kosti njegovim neprijateljima. Ova cjelovečernja filmska inačica nastala je po dugogodišnjoj seriji stripova. Danju je Johnny Blaze jedan od najboljih svjetskih kaskadera, ali kad sunce zađe i kad se nađe među zlim silama, junak koji odolijeva smrti nestaje u plamenu i postaje neuništivi antijunak na motociklu, u svijetu poznat kao Ghost Rider.
Nakon što je izgubio pamćenje i jedinu osobu koju je volio, Bourne je prisiljen razotkriti svoju prošlost kako bi mogao imati budućnost. Putujući od Moskve, Pariza, Londona do Tangera i New Yorka, nastavlja potragu za pravim Jasonom Bourneom – cijelo vrijeme nastojeći nadmudriti brojne policajce, savezne časnike i Interpolove agente koji ga drže na nišanu.
Američka vlada, koju su sada reorganizirali Novi osnivači Amerike, odobrila je godišnje 12-satno Pročišćenje kako bi se pobrinula da razina zločina ostane ispod jedan posto ostatak godine. Dok policija i bolnice uskraćuju pomoć, to je noć kada se građanstvo regulira samo bez primisli na kaznu ili straha od odmazde. To je vrijeme kada na ulicama vlada anarhija. Nova priča prati neočekivanu skupinu od pet građana koji, tijekom te noći, otkriju točno dokle su spremni ići da zaštite sebe i, na kraju, jedni druge dok se bore da prežive noć punu nemogućih odluka.
Uobičajni dan plaćenog ubojice Cheva Chelios jednog jutra započinje neobičnim telefonskim pozivom koji ga obavještava da mu je za vrijeme sna u tijelo ubačen smrtonosni otrov koji je specifičan po tome da ne djeluje sve dok je ritam otkucaja srca visok. Chev polako počinje shvaćati kako bi sve to mogla biti osveta njegovih poslodavaca, moćnog mafijaškog klana sa Zapadne obale SAD-a, koji nije sretan zbog njegovih posljednjih odluka. Noć prije Chev, naime, nije izvršio naručeno ubojstvo jer je odlučio prekinuti sa svojim dotadašnjim poslom i započeti novi život sa svojom djevojkom Eve. Shvativši kako mu vrijeme brzo ističe, Chev započinje žestoku potragu za protuotrovom odlučan ukloniti svakoga tko mu se ispriječi na putu. No vremena je sve manje, a čini se da je uvijek dva koraka iza spasonosnog protuotrova.
U novoj filmu, redatelja Marka Neveldine i Briana Taylora, Johnny se još uvijek bori sa svojim prokletstvom đavoljeg lovca na glave- ali riskira izgubiti sve kad se udruži s vođom skupine pobunjenih opata kako bi spasili dječaka od samoga đavla... a možda bi se i on mogao zauvijek osloboditi svoje kletve.
Izbezumljeni medijski mogul izvodi međunarodne incidente kako bi svjetske velesile suprotstavio jednu drugoj. Sada James Bond mora zaustaviti ovaj zli mozak u adrenalinskoj bitci kako bi okončao njegov terror i spriječio globalni pandemonij.
Četiri godine nakon prethodnog ubojstva za Noć vještica, Laurie živi sa svojom unukom Allyson i završava pisanje svojih memoara. Michael Myers od tada nije viđen. Laurie je, nakon što je dopustila duhu Michaela Myersa da upravlja njezinom stvarnošću, odlučila otpustiti svoj strah i bijes i prigrliti svoj život. No, kada je mladić, Corey Cunningham, optužen za ubojstvo dječaka kojeg je čuvao, to pokreće lanac nasilja i užasa koji će natjerati Laurie da se konačno suoči, jednom zauvijek, sa zlom izvan njezine kontrole.
Australac Paul Brickhill upravljao je vojnim zrakoplovom koji su nacisti srušili nad Tunisom 1943. nakon čega je odveden u strogo čuvani zatvor Stalag Luft III u Njemačkoj. Sudjelujući sa svojim kolegama u planu i izvedbi spektakularnog bijega (od 76 bjegunaca slobode su se dokopala samo trojica), Brickhill je o tim uzbudljivim događajima nakon završetka rata napisao knjigu koja je poslužila kao predložak američkoj akcijskoj ratnoj drami "Veliki bijeg"
Britanski špijunski brod potonuo je i na njemu se nalazio hi-tech uređaj za šifriranje. James Bond je poslan da pronađe uređaj koji sadrži britanske upute za lansiranje prije nego što ga neprijateljski Sovjeti prvi nađu.
Doug (Tim Allen), Woody (John Travolta), Bobby (Martin Lawrence) i Dudley (William H. Macy) muškarci su srednjih godina koji žive u predgrađu Cincinnatija. U želji da pobjegnu od monotonije i besmisla, odluče uzeti odmor i motorima se uputiti u avanturu prema pacifičkoj obali. Na putu se društvo zaustavi u Novom Meksiku, u baru u kojem se okluplja zloglasna motoristička banda Del Fuegos. Kada banda ukrade jedan od motora koji pripada društvu, oni odluče ne predati se bez borbe.
Biker Cary Ford vratio se u rodni grad kako bi se sastao sa svojom djevojkom Shane i pobrinuo se za neki nezavršeni posao. Kad je prije dva mjeseca napustio grad, Ford je imao nekoliko bicikala koji su pripadali Henryju, bezobzirnom trgovcu drogom i vođi bajkerske bande „The Hellions“. Sada Henry stisne Ford u pokušaju da povrati bicikle, koji u svojim spremnicima imaju nešto malo vrijednije od benzina.
Takeshi Hongo is a promising young man with a passion for motorcycle racing. However, his dreams are suddenly ruined when he gets kidnapped by Shocker, the evil secret organization planning to dominate the world. After being remodeled into a cyborg, Takeshi escapes and swears to protect the world from the inhuman monsters.
MegaTokyo 2033: Tokyo was left flattened as a result from a great earthquake. A new city, MegaTokyo, was then recreated due in no small part from the aid of a multi-million dollar company, Genom Corp. Genom created and mass-produced biomechanical creatures called Boomers to aid in the restoration of MegaTokyo. When the Boomers began to run out of control, the ADPolice at first tried to stop them, but they proved to be far more difficult to deal with than was first imagined. Under the ever looming Boomer threat, a group of four girls from varying degrees of society banded together. Calling themselves The Knight Sabers, they were the only ones with enough firepower and resourcefullness to defend the fledgling MegaTokyo from Genom and it's berserk Boomers.
Framed for murder, Detective Reno Raines becomes a fugitive bounty hunter who fights crime while trying to clear his name. His troubles began after he testified about police corruption, leading Lt. Donald Dixon to set him up.
The future of dueling is revving up! And with it begins a new legend! Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's! Welcome to New Domino City! Once the playground to legendary duelist Yugi Muto, this sprawling metropolis has since been transformed into a futuristic society where dueling has kicked into overdrive. With recent technological advancements made by KaibaCorp, dueling has undergone a metamorphosis that has revolutionized the makeup and pace of the game! It’s now a heart-pounding, adrenaline-filled and fuel injected competition where duelists ride supercharged hyper cycles called Duel Runners and battle it out in hi-octane contests called “Turbo Duels.” The winners and losers aren’t just separated by skill and strength… but by SPEED! However, for five special duelists, it's not just about winning or losing anymore - it's about survival, for they are the chosen "Signers" who have been marked by destiny to uncover the secrets of the five dragons!
Koguma is a high school girl in Yamanashi. She has no parents, friends, or hobbies, and her daily life is empty. One day, Koguma gets a used Honda Super Cub motorcycle. This is her first time going to school on a motorcycle. Running out of gas and hitting detours become a small source of adventure in Koguma's life. She is satisfied with this strange transformation, but her classmate Reiko ends up talking to her about how she also goes to school by motorcycle. One Super Cub begins to open up a lonely girl's world, introducing her to a new everyday life and friendship.
Three anthropomorphic mice motorcyclists named Throttle, Modo, and Vinnie escape a war on their home planet Mars before arriving to defend the Earth from the evil that destroyed their homeland and to one day return to Mars.
Lighthearted look at the adventures of two Highway Patrol officers in Los Angeles. The main characters are Jon Baker and Frank Poncherello, two motorcycle officers always on the street to save lives.
The Walking Dead star and motorcycle enthusiast Norman Reedus hits the open road to explore local biker culture and celebrate the best and brightest collectors, mechanics and craftsmen around the country. Each episode features Reedus and a riding companion – a fellow actor, musician, friend or local chopper fanatic – as they journey to custom bike shops, tattoo parlors, collector’s warehouses, or a roadside smokehouse… with plenty of time for unplanned detours and tire changes.
MegaTokyo 2040: Tokyo’s workforce is riddled with robots that tend to go on destructive killing sprees. Four young women gear up in cybernetic suits to battle an evil corporation’s bionic pawns while its grip on the city threatens to strangle humanity. In order to shut down an android uprising, these heavy metal heroines flirt with a critical meltdown in an adrenaline-fueled death match between woman and machine!
Jet Racing's wet-n-wild combo of PWC racing and watergun sharpshooting has become mega-popular across the world. Rin Namiki wants in on the action, and after meeting the cool and gorgeous Misa Aoi, it looks like Rin's dreams are finally in reach!
Based on a true story, "Harley and the Davidsons" charts the birth of this iconic bike during a time of great social and technological change beginning at the turn of the 20th century.
Super Force is an action-adventure TV series about a former astronaut who uses an advanced combat suit and motorcycle to fight crime in the city of Metroplex during the year 2020. Among the features of the suit were enhanced strength and armament, whereas the motorcycle had an array of James Bond-type gadgets and weapons.
"Dirt" stars Taylor Holder and tells the story of an aspiring teen motocross racer.
In 2004 Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman embarked on an epic challenge to bike 20,000-miles across 12 countries and 19 time zones in just 115 days. Watch as two friends ride around the world together and, against all the odds, realize their dream.
Follow the adventures of Shiro Kazami, a bio-chem major at Jonan University in Tokyo. After witnessing the murder of a member of the evil organization Destron, Kazami is targeted by Destron which kills his family and leads him down a road of revenge that crosses paths with both Hongo Takeshi and Ichimonji Hayato, the original Kamen Riders and his eventual transformation into Kamen Rider V3!
Denjin Zaborger, translated as Electroid Zaborger 7, was a Japanese tokusatsu television series that aired in 1974, produced by P Productions, it was their last Tokusatsu series of the 1970s. Denjin Zaborger stars Akira Yamaguchi as secret agent Yutaka Daimon. The robot Denjin Zaborger has no personality at all, its Akira Yamaguchi as the wild warrior Yutaka Daimon who gives the series its heart. A movie remake titled Karate-Robo Zaborgar was released in 2011.
The remarkable story of the eight-time MotoGP world champion. Marc Márquez is facing the most difficult decision of his career. You will need to take drastic measures to try to win again. The series illustrates directly and in the first person a decisive year in the life and career of Marc. The fear, the risk, the suffering, the emotion of the races and the infinite ambition of the one who wants to be champion again.
Desperate and terrified, Kotaro Minami escaped the clutches of the ancient secret society, Gorgom—but in doing so, left behind his best friend and adoptive brother, Nobuhiko Akizuki. Both have been transformed into beings of immense power in order to serve Gorgom's dark purposes. If left unchecked, Gorgom will destroy humanity and eliminate all traces of its civilization and culture. Now the powerful cyborg known as Kamen Rider Black, Kotaro will use the powers Gorgom gave him to preserve justice and freedom, as well as to save his brother. But Gorgom has their own plans for Nobuhiko—and if Kotaro can't save him, he may have to fight him!
Ian Wright fullfills a life long dream to travel coast to coast across America on a Harley-Davidson motorbike. Joining him for the trip is custom bike builder Nicky Bootz, whose tumultuous rapport and rocky relationship with Wright makes for compulsive viewing. Together they take in the amazing sights and bizarre experiences the country has to offer and put on a show that you'll want to watch over and over again.