Mieletön kesis

Mieletön kesis 1985


Griswoldin mielipuolisen perheen lomasekoilut jatkuvat, ja tällä kertaa Euroopassa!


Miehet elämässäni

Miehet elämässäni 2001


Täältä tulee Beverly: fiksu, kaunis nuori nainen, joka haluaa aikuistua mahdollisimman pian ja tuottaa samalla harmaita hiuksia poliisi-isälleen. Beverlyn elämä lähtee sivuraiteille, kun hän tulee 16-vuotiaana raskaaksi. Vauvaa enemmän hän joutuu paapomaan aviomiestään ja vauvan isää. Ongelmistaan huolimatta Beverly rakentaa itselleen odottamattoman rikkaan elämän ja elää tarinan, joka täytyy kertoa. Tule mukaan katsomaan, kun Beverly antaa elämälle kyytiä!


Meren äärellä

Meren äärellä 2015


Meren äärellä on intiimi ja koskettava kuvaus kriisin repimästä avioliitosta. Elokuva sijoittuu 1970-luvulle ja tapahtuu hiljaisessa ranskalaisessa merenrantakaupungissa, jota satunnaiset matkailijat värittävät. Kylään saapuu myös taiteilijapariskunta Roland ja Vanessa, paikka on juuri sellainen missä Roland saisi viimeisteltyä keskeneräisen kirjansa. Vanessan pakenee masennustaan pillerien turruttavaan hiljaisuuteen ja Roland avautuu ongelmistaan paikalliselle baarinpitäjälle hukuttaessaan omaa pahaa oloaan pullonpohjalle. Omilta ongelmilta harhautusta tarjoaa kuitenkin samaan hotelliin majoittunut nuori pari. Avioliiton satamaan vasta astuneiden nuorten arki tarjoaa Rolandille ja Vanessalle ikkunan menneisyyteen, ja pian pelkkä tarkkailu ei riitä pariskunnalle.


Take This Waltz

Take This Waltz 2011


Michelle Williams on kolmekymppinen Margot, joka asuu melko onnellisessa avioliitossa sympaattisen aloittelevan keittokirjailijan Loun kanssa. Margot on tavannut työmatkalla Danielin, komean ja hieman mystisen taiteilijan, joka sattuu asumaan kadun toisella puolella. Mikään ei voi estää heidän suhdettaan kehittymästä kiihkeäksi romanssiksi. Katkeransuloinen mutta samalla hauska ja lämpimän humaani Take This Waltz onnistuu taitavasti välttämään romanttiset kliseet maalaten todenmakuisen ja epäsentimentaalisen kuvan nuorten aikuisten ihmissuhteista. Michelle Williams ja Seth Rogen tekevät kumpikin uransa ehdottomiin huippuihin lukeutuvat roolisuoritukset.


Herra R. kujanjuoksu

Herra R. kujanjuoksu 1970


Fassbinderin varhaiskskauden omaperäinen ja shokeeraava elokuva voitti Berliinin elokukuvafestivaaleilllla pääpalkinnon.Päällisin puolin herra Raabin elämä näyttää aivan normaalilta, ja joku voisi jopa kadehtia hänen menestystään. Hän työskentelee arkkitehtitoimiston piirtäjänä ja asuu mukavassa talossa viehättävän vaimonsa ja poikansa kanssa. Työpäivän jälkeen katsellaan televisiota ja viikonloppppuisin sukulaiset ja ystävät poikkeavat vierailulle. Heidän avioliittonsakin on onnellinen, vaikka pyrkyrimäinen rouva Raab välillä arvostelee miestään ja patistaa häntä ylenemään työssään. Arkipäiväisen pinnan alla kytee silti jotain arvaamatonta, joka eräänä päivänä ylittää herra Raabin sietokyvyn, ja ajaa hänet järjettömään tekoon josta ei ole paluuta entiseen.Pääosissa: Lilith Ungerer, Kurt Raab, Lilo Pempeit, Franz Maron, Harry Baer, Peter Moland, Hanna SchygullaOhjaus: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Michael Fengler



Held 2020



Matrimonial Chaos

Matrimonial Chaos 2018


Is marriage really the completion to love? This comedy drama begins with this question and defines the difference in thought between men and women about love, marriage and family.


Next of Kin

Next of Kin 2018


Whip-smart general practitioner Dr. Mona Harcourt lives in London with her political lobbyist husband Guy and her family. When a bomb goes off in London on the same day that her brother, Dr. Kareem Shirani, is abducted in Pakistan, Mona's charmed life is shaken to its core.



Married 2014


Married is a half hour comedy about being miserably in love. Russ and Lina Bowman can barely remember what life was like before kids, debt, and suburbia rained on their romance -- but every once in a while, in between the arguments about their declining sex life and who's driving carpool, they are reminded what drew them together in the first place -- they're best friends. The show also features Russ and Lina's friend AJ, who is recently divorced and pretending he's over his wife, and their other friend Jess, who is married to a much older man who can't keep up with her.


He Who Can't Marry

He Who Can't Marry 2006


Kekkon dekinai otoko, known in English as He Who Can't Marry, is a 2006 Japanese drama broadcast by Fuji TV. The theme song is "Swimmy" by Every Little Thing. The drama was produced by Kansai Telecasting Corporation and Media Mix Japan.


Who The (Bleep) Did I Marry?

Who The (Bleep) Did I Marry? 2010


Pull back the curtain on bizarre double lives and see the real stories of men and women who thought they were happily married, until the day they uncovered a shocking secret about their spouse leading them to wonder who it is they really fell in love with.


By the age of 30

By the age of 30 2022


A humorous and bitter depiction of the real worries, impatience, and anger of a woman living in these times. Follow the love, career and sex lives of 29-year-old single women who try to survive in modern Tokyo.


Seven Year Switch

Seven Year Switch 2015


Four married couples try to save their marriages by entering into a social experiment. During this experiment, the four couples switch spouses and live with another participants spouse for two weeks as husband and wife.


Fatal Vows

Fatal Vows 2012


When marriages fall apart, divorce can turn ugly - even deadly. From blushing brides turned cold-blooded killers to smitten grooms with shocking dark sides, the criminal psychology behind deadly divorces is examined. Guiding viewers through actual stories of love gone wrong are psychotherapist Stacy Kaiser and forensic psychologist Dr. Brian Russell, who analyze each couple to better understand how the marriage turned from flawed to fatal. .


El Harsha El Sab'a

El Harsha El Sab'a 2023


In the seventh year of their marriage, boredom, and fatigue take over the lives of high school sweethearts Adam and Nadine. Between the pressures of raising their twins and their routine life, will their love overcome these challenges?


Where Have You Been?

Where Have You Been? 2016


Widower Ramzi is going to marry Nisrine who is a lot younger than him. This shocks his son Jad and his girlfriend Sila as well as the entire family, who will do their best to get rid of Nisrine and keep her way from the family.


It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life 2013


Hao Huixian is a gambler. He wakes up startled after dreaming of cheating during a game with his neighbours Li Yunshun, Fan Wenxiang and Ma Lingshu (Potato). Yunshun and Wenxiang rented their HDB flat to their son, Siyuan, when they moved into their daughter, Si'en's condominium unit. Siyuan runs a tuition agency. As his wife, Isabella, needs to go on a business trip and the maid is on leave, he makes plans for his parents to take care of his son, Huanhuan. Wenxiang is unhappy Huanhuan is closer to his maternal grandmother, Elizabeth. Potato organises a wedding anniversary party, in the hope of earning some red packet money, but his neighbours prove too smart for him. Potato is tempted when Bai Baoxiang offers to get tenants for him. Unfortunately, his two rooms have already been rented out.


Pillow Talk

Pillow Talk 2012


What is the true meaning of marriage? Qiu Xue (Joanne Peh), a believer in romance, marries Ting Kai (Pierre Png), a conservative and practical man. However, the newlyweds are far from happy. Qiu Xue's parents get divorced and the couple is financially strapped when Tingkai gets retrenched. Will kinship and love overcome Ting Kai's sense of inferiority and Qiu Xue's pride? In the meantime, the married couple Qiu Yu (Thomas Ong)) and Chu Ning (Michelle Chia) has a six-year-old daughter, Duo Duo. Their previously sweet romance dampens over time and Qiu Yu gets entangled in an affair with his work partner Alice (Jacelyn Tay). Is there true love brewing beneath the affair? The marriage hits rock-bottom when Duo Duo is diagnosed with a hole in her heart. Marriage is about preserving a love long expired. What will it take for them to discover the love hidden in their marriages?


Fix My Family

Fix My Family 2013


Families featured on this hour-long series need fixing, and licensed therapist Tara Fields is ready to help. Their problems have gotten to the point that they feel the need to turn to the no-nonsense therapist as a last-ditch effort to keep peace. During the therapy sessions, Fields confronts parents and children regarding the way they communicate and behave with one another. Fields' methods include assigning tasks designed to put whole families on a path to stronger, happier days and give each one the skills and tools necessary for a lifetime of peaceful family dynamics.


The wife is first to know

The wife is first to know 1987


The story of the series revolves around four friends who decide to rent an apartment to make it an import and export company but without the knowledge of their wives, and then appoint a secretary to work with them in the company, so that the wives get to know each other, and they know the existence of the apartment and think that their husbands use it to betray them, to escalate events.


The Address of Love

The Address of Love 2023


Based on real events, the series are about the fight against drug addiction and early marriage. Basti changes not only her name, but her whole life, and achieves the greatest goal she has set for herself - the desire to get a higher education.