
Gigolo-mees 1999


Basseinipuhastaja Deucei (Rob Schneider) elu võtab hullu pöörde kui tema uueks tööandjaks saab rikas ja superseksikas meesprostituut Antoine. Viimane peab äriasjus mõneks ajaks kodunt lahkuma ning ta palub Deuceil oma maja valvata. Kahel tingimusel: Deuce ei tohi telefonile vastata ega Antoine Porschega sõita. Kuid nii lihtne see missioon ei saa olema, sest kogemata lõhub Deuce peremehe 6000 dollarilise akvaariumi. Suures rahahädas, otsustab ta oma kliendi ameti üle võtta.


A.I. - tehisintellekt

A.I. - tehisintellekt 2001


Tulevikus, kus teaduse areng võimaldab olemasolu, usaldavad inimesed kõik oma elu aspektid keerukatele robotitele, mida nimetatakse Meccas. Emotsioonid on masinate evolutsiooni viimane piir. Kuid kui edasijõudnud robotlaps nimega David on programmeeritud armastama, pole inimesed tagajärgedeks valmis.


Deuce Bigalow: Euroopa gigolo

Deuce Bigalow: Euroopa gigolo 2005


Deuce Bigalow (Rob Schneider) on senini olnud edukas gigolo. Kuna ta on siiski enda alal küllaltki roheline saadetakse ta Inglismaale rahvusvahelisse Mees-hoorade kooli. Kuid seal ootab teda ees väga palju üllatusi, mis kulmineeruvad 73. iga-aastasel Meeshoorade Auhindade jagamisel.


Diary of a Gigolo

Diary of a Gigolo 2022


A male escort's life begins to unravel when he gets involved in a client's family affairs and breaks the cardinal rule of his work: Don't fall in love.


American Gigolo

American Gigolo 2022


Julian Kaye has always been an object of desire, so much so that people are willing to destroy him in order to have him. Exonerated, after 15 years in prison for a murder he didn’t commit, he now faces the challenge of picking up the pieces as the detective who put him behind bars tries to unravel the mystery that led to his wrongful incarceration.


Sang Doo! Let's Go to School

Sang Doo! Let's Go to School 2003


Orphaned at young age, abandoned by his uncle and later by his adoptive parents, Sang-doo’s life has been a succession of difficulties. At 27, he makes a living by seducing older women in order to support his daughter’s hospital fee. However, the love he has for his first love, Chae Eun-hwan, keeps him happy and optimistic. When he runs into Eun-hwan again, he decides to give another chance at his love and goes back to high school to be Eun-hwan’s student.