Düün: Teine osa 2024
Noor Paul Atreides ühineb oma teekonnal Chani ja Fremeniga, et kätte maksta tema pere hävitanud vaenlastele. Sunnitud valima armastuse ja maailma saatuse vahel, üritab Paul ära hoida kohutavat tulevikku, mida tema ainsana näeb.
Noor Paul Atreides ühineb oma teekonnal Chani ja Fremeniga, et kätte maksta tema pere hävitanud vaenlastele. Sunnitud valima armastuse ja maailma saatuse vahel, üritab Paul ära hoida kohutavat tulevikku, mida tema ainsana näeb.
Paul Atreides on nutikas ja andekas noormees, keda ootab talle endale hoomamatu vägev saatus. Oma pere ja rahva tuleviku tagamiseks tuleb tal universumi kõige ohtlikumale planeedile rännata. Kui kurjad jõud asuvad võitlema planeedil asuva hinnalisima ressursi – inimkonna suurima potentsiaali valla päästva eseme - varu pärast, jäävad ellu vaid need, kes suudavad oma hirmudest jagu saada.
Noor ja hakkaja poiss Luke Skywalker elab räpasel Tatooine planeedil oma onu ja tädi juures. Ta tahab minna Akadeemiasse ning saada Mässajate võitlejaks, kuid onu vajab teda viljakoristuse jaoks. Samal ajal võitlevad Mässajad eesotsas Printsess Leiaga kurja Impeeriumi vastu. Nad ründavad Impeeriumi võimsaimat relva Surmatähte - võimast komeedi moodi kosmoselaeva, mida juhivad Moff Tarkin ja Darth Vader. Kui Impeeriumi võitlejad Luke'i onu ja tädi tapavad, saab ta Leialt abipalve, kus palub koos targa miniroboti R2-D2'ga leida üles üks viimaseid elus olevaid Jedi rüütleid Obi-Wan Kenobi. Oma teel aitavad teda palgasõdur Han Solo ja tema karvane abiline Chewbacca. Püüdes printsessi ja tema liitlasi vabastada, satuvad nad koos ohtlikkesse olukordadesse, mis võivad kogu galaktika saatuse igaveseks muuta
Keevitaja Llewelyn Moss leiab ühel päeval mahajäetud auto, mille ümber on mitu kuulidest puretud laipa ning koormaks hunnik heroiini ja kaks miljonit dollarit. Raha kaasa võttes käivitab Moss vägivaldse ahelreaktsiooni. Korraga on tema kannul mitmed asjast huvitatud isikud, kelle seast kõige ohtlikumaks osutub salapärane tundmatu, kellele meeldib inimelude peale kulli ja kirja visata.
Muusikast ja heast tujust pakatav printsess Popi ning tema pahuravõitu sõber Haru avastavad ühel heal päeval, et maailm on palju kirevam ja ka lärmakam, kui nad seni ettegi kujutasid. Selgub, et nad pole sugugi ainus trollide hõim. Neid on ühtekokku kuus ning need on pühendatud erinevatele muusikastiilidele: funk, kantri, tekno, klassikaline, pop ja rokk. Sellest viimasest hõimust on asunud sõjaretkele Kuninganna Barb, et hävitada kõik muu muusika peale roki. Selleks, et päästa maailm ja seda täitev muusika, asuvad Popi ja Haru koos sõpradega külastama kõiki teisi hõime, et ühendada kõigi maade trollid ühtses harmoonias.
Pärast printsess Leia rünnakut hakkab Darth Vader kiiresti uut purustamatut Surmatähte valmistama. Samal ajal suudavad Vaderi käsilased Han Solo vangistada. Aega kaotamata tõttavad Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca ja droonid R2-D2 ning C-3PO Han Solot vabastama. Kui Luke Yoda juurde naaseb, hakkavad Mässajad eesotsas Han Sologa Impeeriumile lõplikku rünnakut planeerima.
Noor Briti armee leitnant T.E. Lawrence on Esimese Maailmasõja ajal suurtes kohanemisraskustes. Selle tõttu pakutakse talle uue ametina vaatleja töökohta Araabias. Tema ülesandeks on hinnata sealse ülestõusu tõsidust. Sealsete eluoludega tutvudes otsustab Lawrence jääda ning aidata Araabia vägesi ühendada võitluseks Türklaste vastu.
During the back-end of the 19th century, the genius but socially awkward engineer Sorano Appare and the wise yet cowardly samurai Isshiki Kosame find themselves drifting in the sea between Japan and America. With no money, the duo decide to enter the Trans-America Wild Race to win the prize money so they can get home. The two encounter rivals, bandits, and challenges in the wilderness as they race through America, from the starting line in Los Angeles to the finish line in New York, in the steam-powered car they built.
David Attenborough presents a documentary series exploring how animals meet the challenges of surviving in the most iconic habitats on earth.
Legendary bounty hunter Boba Fett and mercenary Fennec Shand must navigate the galaxy’s underworld when they return to the sands of Tatooine to stake their claim on the territory once ruled by Jabba the Hutt and his crime syndicate.
Inspired by the cult classic Tremors movies, locals attempt to coexist with the monstrous, man-eating Graboids, Shriekers, and Ass-blasters, which are now on a "protected species" list.
Africa, the world's wildest continent. David Attenborough takes us on an awe-inspiring journey through one of the most diverse places in the world. We visit deserts, savannas, and jungles and meet up with some of Africa's amazing wildlife.
An ordinary man working at a pawnshop accidentally encounters an incident that affects his eyes and ignites changes in his life that start him on a tomb-raiding adventure.
The Prisoner is a 2009 television miniseries based on the 1960s TV series The Prisoner about a man who awakens in a mysterious, picturesque village from which there is no escape and wonders who made the village and why.
The first 40 days of the war in Iraq as seen through the eyes of an elite group of U.S. Marines who spearheaded the invasion along with an embedded Rolling Stone reporter. A vivid account of the soldiers and of the forces that guided them in an often-improvised initiative.
In 1925, Desmond Jordan, an American archaeologist, tries to find the mysterious Speaking Mountain that is supposed to be in the middle of the Sahara desert, where he meets a bunch of deserters from the French Foreign Legion, who are pursued by the ruthless Lieutenant Ryker.
Ozma is a 2012 Japanese anime television series, based on an unused script from 1980 written by manga author Leiji Matsumoto. The story is set on Earth in the future when abnormal activity on the sun devastates Earth's atmosphere and covers the entire planet in a sea of sand. Sam pursues Ozma, an enemy of his brother. One day, Sam encounters Maya, who is being chased by the Theseus army.
Peggy Newman, a woman with a checkered past, makes the life-changing decision to become a private investigator following the death of her beloved mother, who she lived with in the small desert town of Yucca Valley, California.
Cheng Mu, the manager of a dessert shop, and Jiang Sihan, a wealthy food blogger, unexpectedly become a happy family of three, brought together by delicious desserts and the adorable child, Rui Rui.
There aren’t many people in the world who have a bucket list quite like Will Smith. Now you can join him on his unbelievable adventure as he travels the globe, takes on insane challenges, overcomes obstacles and punches fear in the mouth!
The Greyling siblings reunite at their family home in the Namaqualand desert in the Northern Cape after one of them reneges on a decade-long deal to settle the debts they took on when their father abandoned them and disappeared.
Bagdad Cafe is an American television sitcom starring Whoopi Goldberg and Jean Stapleton. The series premiered March 30, 1990 on CBS. The show is based on the 1987 Percy Adlon film Bagdad Cafe.
Television serial based on the novel by P. C. Wren.
Shipwrecked on a remote desert island, Hammond and Belleci use their engineering and scientific skills to not only to survive, but to construct a paradise island playground.
In this four-part BBC documentary, former Monty Python funnyman and renowned globe-trotter Michael Palin sets off from Gibraltar to travel across the Sahara, his witty humor downplaying the hardships he faces along the arduous journey. He travels to Morocco, Mauritania, Mali and beyond, across some of the harshest terrain on the planet.
A Thousand and One Nights: The well-known folk tales from the Orient are passed on from generation to generation. Adventurers fire our imaginations. Expeditions give us a glimpse. There is no other landscape that is so barren and at the same time so filled with mysteries. Our films will unveil some of these secrets and tell stories about landscape and people in the desert today.