patient 08: the case of Seraphiel Manolito's divine potentiality - year 20__

patient 08: the case of Seraphiel Manolito's divine potentiality - year 20__ 2024


Seraphiel Manolito, a young boy suspected of possessing god-like potential, is thrust into a furtive government-controlled experiment. Confined in a monochromatic room, Phiel is bombarded with a relentless stream of visions. Flickering from the grainy depths of history to the dizzying heights of an unknown future, these visions are meant to unlock the alleged divinity in him. As Phiel endures this mental onslaught, he suddenly questions the true purpose of the experiment and the nature of a divine entity he's meant to become.





Set in 2022 in an urban city, Totoy is the grandchild of a cobbler in a place where no one has shoes; his curiosity begins when his grandfather tells him about the lore of a fairy who continuously robs shoes and controls the economic stability of the barangay. Totoy is driven to know the answers. Through the story of his grandfather, Totoy notices that his grandfather was rewarded to become a cobbler with the expectation of improving the standard of living, only to find out that the place is under the curse of the fairy and realize only Totoy could break the curse.