In a post-apocalyptic world, a young man, driven by greed and risking his survival, crosses paths with the force of nature, which administers justice in its own way.
In a post-apocalyptic world, a young man, driven by greed and risking his survival, crosses paths with the force of nature, which administers justice in its own way.
In a high-stakes game of Russian roulette, a mysterious Dealer and a desperate Player confront their darkest desires and past actions, blurring the lines between victory and self-destruction in a gripping battle of wits and wills. Who will win?
A memoir celebrating yesteryears of cinema and how silver screen has evolved over the years, this documentary is ode to cinema by the audience, for the audience.
Young ambitious man gets trapped in loop of his own greed
As per tradition, young man shaves his head after death, but whose death is he mourning about?
Set in pandemic world, where humans and humanity are on verge of extinction. With growing cannibalism, will he survive?